about 25 mins not long!
The driving distance from Liverpool to Belfast is approximately 295 miles / 475 km
Ferry from Belfast to Liverpool (Birkenhead), train from Birkenhead to Liverpool Lime Street, then train from Liverpool to Manchester.
267 miles
check on google maps
No but you do need I.D.
How many days does it take to sail from belfast to Mexico
you can fly from belfast to London in 1 hour or go on the over nite ferry to Liverpool and drive to London, the drive will take approx 5 hours that's including a break along the way, the ferry will take 8 hours from belfast to birkenhead (Liverpool)
Check with the ferry operators
in the 1940s
Sailed from Southampton called at Cherbourg, France and Queenstown Ireland.
How long does it take to drive From Belfast to Galway