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Hello there. Providing you conceived about two weeks ago you can do a pregnancy test now. But I would advise you to keep testing for the next two weeks if the test is negative and you dont get a period.

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It depends which brand you buy. It tells you on the label which day after your period it will be most accurate from. A good test SHOULD be able to give you accurate results around 5 days after your period was due.

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18y ago

Wait 30 days after conception. Or 2 weeks after the missed period.

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Q: How long should you wait to take a pregnancy test if you bleed for only one day and that was it?
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Some women bleed slightly or 'spot' during the early stages of pregnancy, so you shouldn't take the bleeding as a sign that you're not pregnant. If in doubt, you should take an at-home pregnancy test, if only just to alleviate your worries.

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You can continue to bleed throughout the whole pregnancy..the only real know of waying is to get a test administered by a doctor.

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If you have irregular periods then this could be why. But you need to rule out pregnancy. See your doctor for a blood test.

When was Only Women Bleed created?

Only Women Bleed was created in 1975.