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Q: How long should you wait to get in a hot tub after prostate biopsies?
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How long should you wait to get in a hot tub after biopsies?

6 weeks

When you have a biopsy done for prostate cancer do you get the results the same day or how long do you need to wait?

It takes up to a month to get the results back.

How long after prostate cancer surgerydo one has to wait if he will get erection at all at age 50 also can any doctor draw sperms from you to have a baby?

If the nerves on the sides of the prostate that control erection have not been cut or damaged, sexual function should return within one month to twelve months after prostate cancer surgery. How long it takes for sexual function to be restored is dependent on how quickly your body recovers. Yes, a doctor can draw sperm from a prostate cancer patient and via artificial insemination or IVF, he can father children.

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you should wait 72 hours

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You don't have to wait

If your boyfriend breaks up with you for being clingy how long should you wait to talk to him again or should you wait for him to talk to you?

you should wait for him to talk to you :) <3

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How long should you wait after applying grout to install the toilet?

you will have to wait a month

How long should a woman wait to sleep with a guy she is dating?

She should wait until they get married. If you don't wait it can cause a lot of heartbreak.

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you should wait atleast 10 minutes or more

If you had surgery how long should you wait to dye your hair?

You should wait at least a month to dye your hair after surgery.