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They should stay home and inside until the fever is gone.

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Q: How long should you be quarantined for German measles?
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Related questions

Where was measles discovered?

Measles has been with us as long as history.

Do people need to be quarantined after they go into space and if so how long do they have to?

no they do not

How long did it take a sailing ship to travel from Britain to Australia in the 19th century?

The diary of Maria Steley written on board the " Ariadne", left Liverpool 6th October 1863 and arrived in Moreton Bay 3rd February 1864. They had to be quarantined on North Stradbroke Island due to Measles on board.

What long term conditions may result from measles encephalitis?

Long-term problems following recovery from measles encephalitis may include seizures and mental retardation.

What is is the timelimited of measles after you get it?

You could mean at least a couple of different things. You could be asking: How long are you sick with the measles? Or you could mean How long are you immune from getting the measles after you get it? Why not make your question clearer? You'll have a better shot at getting the info you want.

How long after the appearance of Koplik's spots does the measles rash appear?

A couple of days after the appearance of the Koplik's spots, the measles rash begins.

Do vaccines prevent measles?

Yes, vaccines are highly effective in preventing measles. The measles vaccine provides long-lasting immunity and is a critical tool in reducing the spread of the disease. It is recommended that individuals receive two doses of the measles vaccine for optimal protection.

How long after recovering from measles can there be a serious swelling of the brain?

Called encephalitis, this can occur up to several weeks after the basic measles symptoms have resolved.

How long was rizal quarantined on board the djemnah?

Jose Rizal was quarantined for 14 days on board the Djemnah in Marseille, France, in August 1883. This was done as a precautionary measure to prevent the spread of disease during his voyage to Manila from Europe.

What if the dog was already vaccinated for three days and you got bit by it what must you do?

Three days is not long enough to build up an immunity from the vaccine. Are you referring to Rabies? You need to go to see your Doctor immediately and the dog should be quarantined for about 2 weeks.

Can you get chickenpox after measles how long the healing period?

they are different viruses, you can get them in any order or both at the same time.

What breed of German shepherd has long hair?

It is not a different breed, but a specific gene that causes long hair in German Shepherds. A German Shepherd with long hair is still of the German Shepherd Breed.