they have tens of thousands of names on them, don't lost faith though, I was on it and am now off!! The more critical it is for you to get the transplant the farther up the list you will be, it also has to do with the matching of the blood. Have a bag packed at all times just in case.
In the UK the wait for a kidney is around 2.5 years.
Depends on whether you had open or keyhold surgery. It also depends on what your job is as to when you can go back to it. But if you have keyhole surgery and say an office desk job you could be back at work after 2 or 3 weeks. Open surgery would take a lot longer. I had keyhole surgery to remove a kidney and was feeling great after 3 weeks.
Answer: The purpose of an organ transplant is to replace any vital organ not functioning and help revive (partial transplant)/make survival possible by donor organ.
are you against or for organ transplant cause i wanna know its for a science project
It is when a major organ is removed from the body and a replacement fitted or transplanted. Such as a heart transplant.
In the UK you would be put on a database of people waiting for a transplant. There would be a "score" system. Points are given according to certain criteria such as how urgent the transplant is etc. Then when an organ becomes available the database is searched for the next person in line that is a potential match. That is viewed as the fairest way.
To find out if you are on the waiting list for an organ transplant, talk to the transplant coordinator at the hospital that your are registered with. If you wish to find out if you are a registered organ donor (in the UK), look at
Organ failure.
organ rejection
It results in "organ rejection".
No, an organ transplant does not alter your DNA. The transplanted organ retains its original DNA, while the recipient's DNA remains unchanged.
On avergage how many people in the United States will need an organ transplant? On average how many people in the world will need a organ transplant? Why is selling a organ illegal?
Patients with chronic renal disease who need a transplant and do not have a living donor registered with United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) to be placed on a waiting list for a cadaver kidney transplant.
A kidney transplant between twins.