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if you were to remove the entire small intestine and straighten it out, it would go around the world approximately two and a half times.

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Q: How long is the small intesine?
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What are the functions of the small intesine?

idkk, figure it out haha

What is the partial or complete blockage of the small and or large intesine?

Intestinal obstruction is what you are referring to.

What are three carbohydrates that are absorbed by an epithelial cell of the small intesine?

Glucose, fructose and galactose.

How thick is the large intesine?

1.5 metres long 3.25 Meters wide

Nutrients like sugar amino acids and fatty acids are absorbed into the lining of the?

small intesine

What happens to the food in the small intesine?

it gets broken down into smaller particles (known as digestion) and are absorbed through the gut.

What is the function of small intesine?

you have to make anal love with a homless person in new yourk city then the greek gods will tell you the answer

How does villi work in the small intesine?

The villi massively increase the surface area of the small intestine to ensure efficient and rapid absorption of nutrients.

You have a deficiency of vitamin B12 in your blood tests whats wrong?

If you have this problem, you might have a problem in your small intesine's terminal ileum where B12 is absorbed.

What is a small intesine?

Its a part of your body! You should know this! Because your most likey to be in gr.8 so you should know this shizt! Gawd!

What is small intesine?

Its a part of your body! You should know this! Because your most likey to be in gr.8 so you should know this shizt! Gawd!

Where are Peyer's patches?

They are collections of lymphatic tissues that are found in the lower part of the small intesine. They are involved in producing white blood cells which can fight infections.