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It stays forever and may turn into cancer.

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Nelda Stiedemann

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2y ago
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9y ago

Human papillomavirus does not normally affect someone's lifespan. As long as your getting screened regularly for Cervical cancer, it's unlikely that HPV will shorten your life.

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7y ago

It stays forever and may turn into cancer.

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Q: How long is it possible for human papilloma virus to be in the human body?
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Which part of the body is affected by human papilloma virus?

Human papillomavirus can affect the skin on any part of the body. Different subtypes of the virus are more likely to cause lesions on different body parts.

How can Human Papilloma Virus be treated?

There are about 100 types of HPV that affect different parts of the body. There is no known cure but there are effective treatments to ease the symptoms.

How long is is possible for human papilloma to stay in the body?

Human papillomavirus (HPV) can stay in the body for years or even decades without causing any symptoms. In some cases, the virus can be cleared by the immune system, while in others, it can persist and lead to health issues such as genital warts or cervical cancer. Regular screening and vaccination can help prevent HPV-related complications.

How does the human body prepare itself for a virus the the human has already fought?

Because the body has already experienced the virus, the body knows how to get over the virus.

Why did tree man get this particular disease?

His problem is essentially out-of-control skin warts. Warts are caused by a variety of HPV (Human Papilloma Virus). His problem is that his immune system is spectacularly unable to fight this very common virus, and thus it causes excessive growths all over his body.

Is There such thing as a man tree?

The man tree is actually a guy called Dede that has a virus called HPV( human Papilloma Virus) that usually causes small warts to develop on sufferers. Because he has a rarely seen weak immune system, his body could not control these warts which continued to grow.

What is the difference between computer virus and a human body virus?

Computer virus' attack switches whereas human virus' affect cells.

Where Ebola virus effect in human body?

The entire body is effected.

How does the human body detect the Nipah Virus?

The human body detects the Nipah virus through the immune system's response to the virus entering the body. Once the virus breaches the body's defenses, the immune system produces antibodies to fight the infection and trigger an inflammatory response. This process helps the body recognize and eradicate the Nipah virus.

Is virus classified a germ?

Yes Sure! because virus have no useful affects on human body.

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What are some deadly viruses that you can find in the human body?

Some deadly viruses that can be found in the human body include Ebola virus, yellow fever virus, Zika virus, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). These viruses can cause severe illness and even death if left untreated.