As long as you have it.
Because the scarlet fever releases exotoxins into your body... The rash is your body's allergic reaction to those exotoxins. And it usual takes six to nine days for your body to remove the exotoxins so that is why the rash stays for so long... hope this helps
Well, it is hard to tell. If your itchiness continues for another day or so, you should probably contact your doctor.
10-14 days
A fever blister will last about 2 weeks.
Rashes on the chest and thighs area, coughing, fever of course, flushed face and runny nose.
yes i know i had it twice just so you know if you get scarlet fever you cant get chicken pox but trust me i hated it, i had to stay in bed for a week some people rarely die from it
As long as you allow it. Take Ibuprofin.
Glandular Fever lasts for up to 7 weeks but the extreme tiredness can last for several months.
5 days :-0
It is hard to say how long Bieber fever will last, but she will recover. Chances are high that she will live a long and healthy life.
5 years