citric acid - no, wine.
About 3-4 hours.
No, sulfites are minerals and do not evaporate like alcohol. It's possible they may interact with other ingredients and change their chemical make up, but they don't go away.
Sulfites are naturally occurring compounds that can be found in various foods and beverages, such as wine, dried fruits, and some processed foods. They are also used as a preservative to prevent spoilage and browning in foods. However, some people may be sensitive or allergic to sulfites.
about 9 hours
From the sulfur sprinkled on grapes shortly before harvesting. It becomes part of the wine, and any vineyard that practices this must also label their wine "contains sulfites"
Yes because champagne is made from grapes the same as wine. Wine, white and red, has naturally occurring sulfites as well as sulphites added to stabilize it. Champagne is likely to have as many sulphites as white wine. Red wine has fewer sulphites than white wine. Dry wines have fewer sulphites than sweeter wines and champagnes.
It depends on how much you drink.
six hours, 12 to be totally out