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it takes about 10 minutes for them to take all your brackets and wires off and then about 15-20 minutes to take all the glue off and clean your teeth. after that they take an impression mold of your teeth for your retainer if they have not done so already. if they have then they give you your retainers and your free to go. so after all it takes no more than one hour! hope that helped! good luck!

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12y ago
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3y ago

It depends on how much work needs to be done to your teeth, or how straight your teeth already are. My teeth were relatively straight, but I still need braces, in fact, I have them on right now. I will need mine for 1 and a half years, but I have a neighbor who needs hers for 3 years, her teeth were pretty bad (no offense to her), again, it depends on how crooked or straight your teeth are/were before you got/get them.

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14y ago

it really depends on how crooked your teeth are, if they are pretty good, you may only have them for a short while. It is usually two years though.

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14y ago

Usually its about 2 year but it depends on what you need done for your teeth. It can be less or even more.

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15y ago

When you get your braces off is dependent on how much work you need to be done on your teeth, what kind of braces you have and how well you take care of them.

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12y ago

well for me it took over an hour so probably around 1 hour or over

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Q: How long does it take to get your braces off?
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When can take off braces?

I dont think you can take your braces off yourself i think you need to go to a orthadontist

Is 7 years of braces long for mediocer teeth Tell if should ask Dr to take them off or not?

It is a rather long time to have braces on... but before you tell the dentist to take them off, get a second opinion from another dentist in your area... Hope that helps ~Coeur

Can you harm your teeth if you take off your own braces?

You could potentially harm your teeth severely if you take your braces off yourself. To take them off, your orthodontist uses a special solvent on the glue that holds your braces on. If you don't have that solvent, taking your braces off can be very painful and damaging.

How long does it take to get braces?

It takes about an hour to apply braces.

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How do you take off braces?

You go to an orthodontist and get them removed

When did Niall Horan take his braces off?

The 3rd of April

If you died with braces on would they take them off?

No, there would be no point to it.

How do you get rid off marks left on your teeth caused by braces?

As long as you brush your teeth while you have your braces, there will be no marks. I had no marks on my teeth when my braces were removed. Another student in my school, however, never brushed her teeth and when her braces were removed she actually had brown bands on her teeth. ~ T