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A herpes culture (a swab test of sores or blisters) will take at least three to four days to come back. A blood test for exposure to herpes in the past (not a recommended screening test) will take two to three days.

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It can take a few weeks or months for any type of herpes to be detected. The body can take a while to produce enough antibodies of herpes to be detected through a blood test.

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less then a week

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Q: How long does it take to get results for a herpes blood test?
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How long does it take herpes to get into your system?

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Can you be tested and the test is negative for herpes and still have it?

I believe that herpes can only be tested for by swabbing the lesion. There is no blood test for herpes according to my Dr. So, therefore, all blood will come back negative for herpes. Regardless of the true status of the testee. There is of course a blood test for herpes. Herpes is a viral infection in your blood streamso obviously, a blood test would be able to tell you if you have the virus or not. I'm not sure how long/soon after possible contact you should get a blood test that will give you an accurate reading but there are two ways to test if you have herpes: 1. If you have something that looks like a possible herpes outbreak then you can go to your Doctor and have him or her take a test swab. He or she will look at it under a microscope and can determine if it is herpes. Or2. Get your blood drawn and ask your Doctor to test specifically for herpes. It takes about 5-6 days to receive the verdict but I'd trust a blood test over anything.Good Luck!

How long for results from a blood culture?

Results from a blood culture typically take 1-3 days to be reported, depending on the specific test and the presence of any bacteria in the sample. In some cases, preliminary results may be available within 24 hours, but final results may take longer due to the time needed for bacteria to grow in the culture medium.

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How long does it take to get recults back from blood cultures?

for blood culture results generally 5 days are requried. negative report is only given after 5 days. othere wise it is given after rapid growth and identification.

How long does it take to get results from a blood pregnancy test?

Results from a blood pregnancy test typically take 1-2 days to come back, depending on the lab's processing time. This type of test is very accurate and can detect pregnancy earlier than a urine test.

How long does it take to get results of a blood test?

The time it takes to get the effects of a blood check can vary. For most simple tests, you may hear back in a few days. If it is urgent, you may want to get results in just a few hours. But for more complicated tests, it may take longer, up to a couple of weeks. It's satisfactory to test with your health practitioner or the lab doing the check to understand when you can anticipate your results.

How long do pregnancy tests take?

Depends on what kind you take. If you take a HTP (Home Pregnancy Test) it would take 2-3 minutes just to find out. If your taking a blood test, it takes from 1-3 days to get the results in depending on if your health provider sends off the blood tests or can do blood tests in their own office.

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