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Q: How long does it take the body to absorb excess fluid after lymph node removal?
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What is the pathway you would take from the lymph capillary in the right arm to the lymph node in the axilla?

The lymph capillary in the right arm channels excess fluid from plasma. This fluid flows in the direction of the lymph nodes in the axilla through larger lymphatic vessels where the fluid becomes lymph.

What tissues are important in assisting the cardiovascular system by collecting excess tissue fluid?

The lymph system, including lymph nodes and lymph vessels.

What system assists the cardiovascular system by collecting excess tissue fluid?

The lymphatic system removes excess fluid from tissues. The lymph system is a network of organs, lymph nodes, lymph ducts, and lymph vessels that make and move lymph from tissues to the bloodstream. The lymph system is a major part of the body's immune system.

What does lymph produce?

They don't produce anything. Lymph nodes take excess fluid out of your body, which are extracted from your lymph nodes and travel through your lymph vessels. Then, the body gets rid of this fluid. (you can just guess that part)

What does lymph node?

They don't produce anything. Lymph nodes take excess fluid out of your body, which are extracted from your lymph nodes and travel through your lymph vessels. Then, the body gets rid of this fluid. (you can just guess that part)

Excess tissue fluid which forms in a capillary bed is drained by?

Lymph from the lymphatic system

It collects extra fluid from the tissues?

The lymphatic system collects excess fluid, called lymph, from the tissues and returns it to the bloodstream. This helps maintain fluid balance in the body and plays a crucial role in the immune system by filtering lymph and trapping pathogens before they can spread.

What contained in the lymphatic vessels help prevent the backflow of fluid?

The presence of one-way valves within the lymphatic vessels helps prevent the backflow of fluid. These valves ensure that lymph flows in one direction towards the heart, assisting in the efficient removal of excess fluid and waste products from tissues.

Why does fluid leak though your skin if you have lymphedema?

Fluid leaks through the skin in lymphedema because the lymphatic system is not able to adequately drain excess fluid from the affected area, leading to a buildup of fluid that can escape through the skin. The condition is characterized by impaired lymphatic drainage, causing swelling and increased fluid leakage.

What returns excess fluid and proteins from the intercellular spaces to the blood?

The lymphatic system, or the lymph system, they're the same thing.

What is the fluid and particles absorbed into lymph caillaries?

Fluids and particles absorbed into lymph capillaries are called lymph.