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Im not sure your brain sends your brain messages. correct me if im wrong people.

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Q: How long does it take for your brain to send messages to your brain?
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What nerve cell send messages to the brain?

Sensory neurons are nerve cells that send messages to the brain. They are responsible for transmitting information from sensory receptors in various parts of the body to the brain, allowing us to perceive and respond to the environment.

How long does it take to send messages from America to England?

If you mean SMS messages - a few seconds is the usual length of time !

How do some brain receptors work?

they work by they take in nueral messages and send them then your brain precieves tem as a certain thing due to the type of receptors they r.

How long does it take for your stomach to send a message to your brain that you are full?

1 minute or a couple seconds

What path does smell messages take from the nose to the brain?

Smell messages are detected by specialized cells in the nose called olfactory receptors. These receptors send signals through the olfactory nerve to the olfactory bulb in the brain, where the signals are processed and interpreted as specific smells.

How long does it take for your stomach to send a message to your brain that you have had enough to eat?

as per my knowledge it is around 20 min that's y eat slowly and take around 1/2 an hour to finish.

Do touch screen phones like the env touch take a long time to send messages?

no it doesnt change anything it actually sends quite fast

Describe how messages are sent in the brain?

The neurons in the body take the messages and they go to the brain and back to the body. if we didn't have neurons we woudn't know what we felt or other 5 senses, about something..

How do you fix your phone when you send messages and they don't come up in the sent messages?

It is best to call up your service provider so you could first determine whether the problem lies in your phone or in the network. Make sure you take notes if the messages send to certain phone number or they don't send them to any number at all.

How does the nervous system send messages throughout the body?

The nervous system can send messages to the Neorons then to your brain. Such as when you touch something hot your sensory cells send a message to your brain to react to take your hand off the hot object.

How long does it take to send a SWIFT message?

How long does it take to send and receive a SWIFT message?

Why will messages from my phone not send?

Sometimes you have to take your sim card out and put it back in. If that doesn't work,take it to your local phone store and they will fix it.