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A break out can occur any time after taking antiviral medication. All it takes is for some thing like being run down by stress to trigger another break out.

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Q: How long does it take for outbreaks of herpes to come back after medication?
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What are the bad effects that result from ultraviolet radiation exposure?

The first that come to mind are sunburn, skin cancer, increased risk of herpes/cold sore outbreaks

What are facts about genital herpes?

Genital herpes is a common sexually transmitted infection caused by the herpes simplex virus. It can be transmitted through oral, vaginal, or anal sex with an infected person. Symptoms can include painful sores or blisters on the genital area, flu-like symptoms, and itching or tingling sensations. Treatment focuses on managing symptoms with antiviral medication and practicing safe sex to prevent transmission.

Can you get the shingles once you have had them?

It is possible for the outbreak to occur more than once; but only about 5% will have additional outbreaks.

What happens after a hermit crab lays eggs?

They hatch into mini herpes and then come and infect us all. And that's where herpes come from.

How can an individual with herpes still maintain a healthy lifestyle?

Herpes is a virus that can appear either in the mouth area or in the genital area (HS-1 or HS-2). It causes the development of blisters that tend to scab over and heal with time (typically a few days.) It is not deadly. However, it is not curable either. People simply have to live with it. People who have Herpes can lead relatively normal lives. The issue of Herpes would only really come up under certain circumstances. For example, when people with Herpes have outbreaks, it can be both psychologically and physically uncomfortable. Herpes sores that appear in the mouth tend to be visible and thus makes the person uncomfortable. It is not recommended that people with visible mouth blisters kiss someone, as it is possible to transmit the virus this way. The issue of genital sores is equally uncomfortable as it may affect the sex lives of those infected and their partners. Again, the virus can be transmitted sexually. Most doctors would recommend that herpes patients refrain from unprotected sex during herpes outbreaks. Furthermore, studies have suggested that people can also transmit the virus to others even when obvious blisters are not present. Bottom line--there is no absolutely safe time for a herpes patient to have unprotected sex without risking infecting a partner.

If I kissed cancer patient then herpes zoster will come?

If you kissed a cancer patient, you cannot contact Herpes Zoster.

Where douse herpes come from?

Herpes are an STI they can be passed through sexual intercourse. That is one reason condoms are used.

What happens when you stop taking topomax?

If you stop taking Topamax, your symptoms that it is treating will come back. This medication is used to treat seizures and migraine headaches so if you stop taking it, those symptoms will come back.

Where do you find a swinub in Pokemon Diamond?

go to the little girl in the house in sandgem town and she will report outbreaks of pokemon. swinub come in outbreaks can find swinub in route 217

Did herpes come from animals?

No its is an STD(sexually transmitted disease)

Does the cast from the show the Jersey Shore have herpes?

I know nothing of this show or the people in it but after seeing advertisements I have come to the conclusion that yes, they do in fact have herpes.

What is a Z-tract intramuscular injection?

It is where you pull the skin down or up and hold it there until you give the injection. Then you release it and it is supposed to make it so that the medication does not come back out onto the skin. This is usually used for medication that is irritating to the skin.