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Type of medication used is a important factor... but in general, it takes from 7 to 15 days for an effect on blood pressure.

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Q: How long does it take for blood pressure medication to take effect?
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Can you donate blood while taking high blood pressure medication?

Yes. Potential volunteer blood donors are eligible if their Systolic pressure is 180 mmHg or less and Diastolic is 100 mmHg or less. As long as the blood pressure at the time of donation is within acceptable limits, blood pressure medication is of no concern.

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I would think that to most people that what would happen would be fairly obvious, that it would, or could dangerously lower your blood pressure causing strokes, heart failure or death. As a hypertensive person myself (having high blood pressure) I take very strong timed release medication that to me makes me feel the effects all day long: from tightness in the chest to shortness of breath. All in all if someone with normal, or low blood pressure took my medication it would be extremely dangerous and foolhardy to do so.

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Docusate sodium is a stool softener commonly used to treat constipation. It is not known to directly cause high blood pressure as a side effect. However, if you have concerns about potential interactions with other medications or pre-existing conditions that may impact your blood pressure, it is important to consult with your healthcare provider.

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High Blood pressure, blood clots, stroke, cancer. there are more but those are all on the warcning label & well documented.

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Two years. Unless a person has a prescription that causes limiting to 3 month re-eval, or a 1 year such as blood pressure medication.

What is a long-term mechanism for maintaining blood pressure?

Blood pressure can be regulated by counteracting fluctuations in the blood pressure by the renal system. This can be done by altering the blood volume.

Will a cortisone shot increase your blood pressure and if so for how long?

i never had high blood pressure until after i had injections in my feet

Can you control high blood pressure?

Yes, it can be controlled with medication. Some people can also control it with weight loss and moderately increased exercise, although some medication may still be needed. High blood pressure can result in heart and kidney disease as well as stokes. You can't feel high blood pressure and many people do not know they have it until damage is done. In the US you can check your blood pressure routinely (for free) at an automated meter at the drugstore to be sure it is kept well under control. Medication can have reduced affect after long term use, so be sure to check it often and inform your health care professional if you are on medication but your blood pressure is not well controlled.

How long might those with high blood pressure have to take calcium channel blockers?

Calcium channel blockers are drugs that bind to cardiac muscle cells and prevent calcium from entering them. This decreases contraction and conduction of the heart, and a decrease of heart rate. This also decreases contraction of smooth cells around blood vessels, which relaxes and widens blood vessels, lowering blood pressure.

Your blood pressure is 164 over 108?

My blood pressure is 153 over 108 how long can it be that high before going to hosp.

What takes your blood pressure?

Your blood pressure can be taken with a mercury blood pressure gauge, an aneroid manometer, or an electronic device for measuring the blood pressure, as long as the device has been recently calibrated and validated. With rare exceptions, blood pressure gauges found in supermarkets or pharmacies aren't properly maintained and shouldn't be used.