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It takes hours and not days to develop the symptoms of appendicitis.

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15y ago

It depends on how severe the case is, a mild case could last a week, but an extreme case could take weeks to get better. In the worst cases the appendix is taken out!

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9y ago

The pain of the appendicitis is very severe. You can not practically have appendicitis without feeling the pain.

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Q: How long does it take for appendicitis symptoms to occur?
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Sytomys of appenix hurting?

The early signs of appendicitis is: * Constipation, diarrhea or gas * Dull pain beginning around the navel and the pain becoming sharper in the lower right portion of the abdomen (to the right of the pubic bone) and this can take place over a two hour period. * Loss of appetite * Low grade fever. * Nausea and vomiting * Tenderness if you press on the lower right front of abdomen (to the right of the pubic bone.) If you press and take your hand away and there is pain this is a good indication you have appendicitis. It is extremely important that the individual with these symptoms get into their doctor immediately (tell reception at the doctors office what symptoms are being experienced) or go to the ER. If appendicitis is not treated it can cause death.

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