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For the first 6-months, my baby’s schedule was going pretty well. But just when we hit the 7-month mark, everything change- the baby keeps trying to crawl, cough, and also, her appetite. Before consulting the doctor, I went ahead and looked it up online. I found THE MOST information topic 7-Month-Old Baby: Development and Milestones on Parenthoodbliss and I’ve sworn by it since then. It answers all my questions on the baby’s sleeping pattern, diet, and possible Allergies.

Diet - About 24 to 30 ounces of breastmilk or formula in a period of 24 hours. Along with this, they can have 4 to 9 tablespoons of cereal, a fruit or vegetable, with 6 tablespoons of protein-rich food.

Digestion- You should allow them a 2-hour window to properly digest the food.

Also, encouraging them to get involved in more tummy time can help with their bowel movement.

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Vinay Appala

Lvl 4
3y ago
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9y ago

It can take 6-7 hours for a 7 month old baby to digest food. Solid foods are introduced around this time of development and can lead to constipation if the fluid intake is not balanced.

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