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The drug Diovan can remain in the body for up to 3 days. The drug is most commonly prescribed to treat high blood pressure.

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13y ago

it will start to work when you take the pill and be at approximate peak serum levels 12 hours later.

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Q: How long does it take for Diovan to be effective?
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How many diovan pills will it take to die?

In rats, the LD50 for Diovan was in excess of 2g/kg -- a truly huge dosage and even then in question. While it certainly can do you damage if you overdose, and you are strongly encouraged to follow your prescription, it's fair to say that Diovan is not typically acutely lethal.

Can you take cialis while taking diovan?

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Can you take lisinopril instead of diovan?

This needs to go to your Doctor. DIovan and lisinopril are used for hypertenion but lisinopril is not used for other things Diovan is (like post MI treatment for one). Also, Diovan is an ACE inhibitor and lisinopril isn't. This isn't an easy call, for can I answer it without your history. This one we can't solve for your here. Sorry. UPDATE DIOVAN is an ARB( angiotensin receptor blocker) not an ACE inhibitor which is what lisinopril is. every person responds differently to BP medicines.....ARB's work better for some than others and some people cannot take ACE because of cough reflex so this is a good alternative. Your doctor has to be involved anyway. Diovan is expensive....about $180 for 30 pills and has no generic.

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Does diovan cause metallic tongue?

Yes, Diovan (valsartan) can sometimes cause taste disturbances, including a metallic or altered taste sensation. If you experience this side effect while taking Diovan, it is advisable to speak with your healthcare provider.

How long did it take for the Constitution to become effective?

It was a little over twenty-nine months till it became effective.