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One endotontist told me to hurry up before it got pus in it and the other told me to leave it alone and see if it settled down after the crown procedure. Quack!

It depends on the situation, sometimes if you already have an acute infection the dentist may give you some antibiotics to start reducing the infection before having the root canal done. Partially this is done because it is pus can interfere with the anesthetic making it harder to get the area numb. Other dentists will open the canal and allow the pus to drain out of the center of the tooth, this relieves the pressure and pain. If you don't have an acute infection then it is best to get it done a.s.a.p. before one occurs, the longer you let things go the worse the prognosis is for the tooth to be retained long term. -RDH


Root canal has to be performed if the dental nerve has died and/or is infected. You may have no pain but still need a root canal treatment. Most common reasons for root canal treatment are bad caries and tooth abrasion at the dentist.

Here's a video with more info about root canal

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Q: How long does it take before you need a root canal?
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Tooth is in need of a root canal you have no cash how long before nerve dies or will it?

i worked for an endodontist(root canal dentist) IT WILL ABCESS!! talk about being in pain and lots of sweeling. the nerves wont just die. please get it pulled before it does abcess and dont wait until it hurts so bad that you cant stand it.

What can you do to help from getting a root canal?

Brush and floss your teeth daily, and see your dentist regularly. If you get small cavities treated before they become too deep, you can avoid needing a root canal. Sometimes, though, the nerve in your tooth just dies and you need a root canal.

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What is the Ada code for a root canal?

D3310 Root canal, anterior (excluding final restoration) D3320 Root canal, bicuspid (excluding final restoration) D3330 Root canal, molar (excluding final restoration) These include the root canal and temporary filling. You may also need: D2950 Core buildup, including any pins You also need to add the permanent crowns.

Do you have to have a root canal before a pyogenic granuloma is removed?

Pyogenic granuloma and root canal are unrelated, and so are the treatments. One is not prerequisite to the other.

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About how long will a root canal procedure take Will I need to take pain medication after?

Root canals can take up to 6 hours. Be prepared for pain medication afterwards.

How long will antibiotics keep a person from having a root canal?


What are the signs of someone in need of a root canal?

if the tooth is extremely sensitive to touch and temperature and hurts often then it is most likely in need of a root canal. in general anytime you feel a discomfort of pain in a tooth you need to see a dentist just to prevent root canals. but if you let it get that bad then you probably procrastinated long enough and waited to long and got yourself into some mess. so you'll need a root canal now. . it started as a small cavity that you could of gotten filled in a short quick appointment and saved $$ but if you waited then you'l spend alot of $$$ and take alot of time at the office.

Can a person exercise after a root canal?

Yes you can exercise after a root canal. It will have no interfierence.