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That depends on who you are, how often you drink, what you're drinking and what you have eaten. If you're not used to drinking, and have had nothing to eat then you will get 'tiddly' very quickly from alcohol (within 30 minutes) however if you drink often and/or have eaten a hearty meal then you will need to drink more any wait longer before you feel the effect.

Alcohol can have an "effect" within seconds if it is taken parenterally (in the vein). In children (and teens) alcohol begins absorption in the mouth and is in the blood stream within minutes. Large amounts of alcohol can begin depressing breathing within 10 -15 minutes and will last until it is completely absorbed from the gut and is subsequently detoxified by the liver.

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15y ago

Alcohol begins to enter the bloodstream and affect all the organs of the body within three to five minutes of ingestion. Because it is only partially absorbed in the stomach, and primarily through the small intestine, the effects build over a period of about 20 minutes.

That is why it is possible to chug two or three beers and feel little initially, but get progressively more drunk afterward.

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13y ago

your ability is affected by drinking at a blood alcohol level of about 0.07-0.09 where you experience:

- slight impairment of balance, speech, vision, reaction time, and hearing

- euphoria

- judgment and self-control are reduced, and caution, reason, and memory are impaired

- considered legally impaired therefore illegal to drive

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14y ago

Changes in reflexes and other physical symptoms have been measured at levels as low as .02% blood alcohol content (BAC).

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Alcohol is metabolized at the rate of about .015 of BAC per hour.

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How long it will take for you to pass a Breathalyzer test after drinking alcohol, will depend on how much you drank. Alcohol is metabolized in the body at a rate of .015 of blood alcohol concentration per hour.

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yes, it do affect the alcohol

How does alcohol affect your body in the long run?

It feels good for a while and then kills you eventually.

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it is very dangerous to take them together ,both are CNS depressant.

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It is bad as the alcohol may affect the effectiveness of the drug.

How long does it take for alcohol to completely the bloodstream after consumption?

The liver can metabolize roughly one standard drink per hour, so it can take several hours for alcohol to completely leave the bloodstream. Factors like weight, metabolism, and the amount of alcohol consumed can affect how long it takes for alcohol to be fully eliminated.