One thing you need to know is that HPV is really more than 120 different kinds of viruses that cause warts. The one that you are interested in large sexually transmitted ones. Sometimes it clears all by itself. Usually within 2 years about 90% are cleared. However, it may not be entirely eliminated.
There is no treatment for HPV, the infection would usual go away within a year. A proper diet for HPV is to take in lots of essential viamins and eat a lot watermelons.
a long time.
The papillomavirus or HPV can go away on its own without leading to other health problems. If it doesn't go away it can lead to genital warts and even cancer.
Once you have HPV it does not go away. Therefore, if you have been diagnosed, you have it. You can pass it on to another person, but "passing it back" would not make sense, since you already have it.
Usually a week
About three weeks.
YES, it is highly recommended that all women get vaccinated against HPV. Even if you have already contracted one strain of HPV there are still other types that could affect your health. Getting vaccinated will not make the current strain go away faster or prevent you from getting that type again, but it is still recommended.
Yes, your body will typically clear high-risk HPV on its own. There is no treatment to make the infection go away faster. There are treatments for any cellular abnormalities caused by high-risk HPV.
after a good nights sleep
6 weeks or more