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For one thing, hiv or aids does not kill any body. It's the O I s one gets, otherwise known as opportunistic infections. A cold, pneumonia, cancer, etc. There is many things. Some one with hiv or aids doesn't have enough of an immune system to fight off such simple or common colds or infections that a healthy person takes for granted that his or her system will take care of. I've been hiv now for 25 years and feel fine and work every day. As long as one takes the medication they will probably die of old age or some freak accident. Hiv is in the same category as Diabetes, a treatable disease. They have just also announced that they may have a possible cure for it using stem cells I believe, although its many years away before its perfected. It was in the newspapers a few months ago. They have tried it on a person and its showing promising results but it needs further research. Also what should have mentioned before that one has to go from hiv to aids status before they can have comprises from O I s. I am actually in the aids status and have been for over five years now. The only thing that I can really tell you to do to find more answers to some of the things I mentioned is to do your own research on it. If you would like to discuss more of this I will be glad to talk to you or any one else. You can email me at I hope this answered your question.

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until the body dies.

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