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Usually a high fever lasts only a few days for a normal bout of the flu without secondary infections, perhaps 3 days at the most, although low grade fevers can accompany flu symptoms for slightly longer. All symptoms of the flu are usually gone in 7 to 10 days, although sometimes a cough can last for a couple of weeks after the other symptoms are gone.

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11y ago
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9y ago

When the body has an illness, fever, cold, or other ailments, it is best to rest and eat less. The body cannot handle killing the infection when the ailment is stressed with eating, working, playing, working out, and other activities. Here are some guidelines:

*Fever - rest, relax, sleep, and soft food if any. Drink juices and water

*If fever is above 101, some Tylenol or Motrin fever reduces will help with ailments. It doesn't really reduce the fever much so don't worry about taking it

*If the fever is still 100-101 the second day, it's doctor visit time for possible antibiotic.

*The body can handle the antibiotic to kill any infections causing the fever and the Tylenol or Motrin can reduce muscle ailments and control fever.

*If the fever is 102 or higher, cold shower for 3 minutes

* Sleep, sleep and more sleep

*Get ready to help sick kid or teen with homework catch up to reduce his/her stress.

*No matter what the kid says: NO FRENCH FRIES

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9y ago

A fever from the flu typically lasts for three to five days. Fevers that last longer should be evaluated by a physician.

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14y ago

I'm going on 3 days - on and off fever.....

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9y ago

A fever lasts until it "breaks" or the patient dies. It breaks from antibiotics or fever suppressors such as asprin.

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Q: How long does high fever last with the flu?
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Muscle pain in flu generally last for 3 to 5 days. Your physician will give you analgesics to relieve pain and fever.

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I would think so. Fever does make your heart rate higher and with the flu comes high fever.

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What infectous disease is fever and the chill?

Fever and chills are a result of the flu. With the flu comes symptoms such as fatigue, chills, sweating, and fever. The length of these symptoms last no more than two to three weeks.

How long do body aches last with flu?

All symptoms of the flu are usually gone in 7 to 10 days, except a cough, which might last up to two weeks. If symptoms are extended beyond this time frame, check with your doctor to see if you need an examination.

Can you get Swine Flu if you come in contact with someone who had Swine Flu?

Not if they are no longer infected. If you are in contact with them after they had the flu but it has been a full 24 hours since they last had a fever without taking fever-reducing medicine, then they should no longer be able to pass the flu virus to you.

What are three characteristics of influenza that are not true of the common cold?

The flu has moderate to severe muscle pain, there may be vomiting, high fever and fatigue. In the early stages it can be hard to tell the difference between a cold and the flu. But when the fever and fatigue set in, you know it is the flu.

Can you get the flu shot if you feel a little under the weather?

As long as you do not have or have not recently had a high fever or other indication of a severe infection of a bacteria or virus, you can get a flu shot. They will ask you about this before giving you the immunization and will not give it if you should not have it.

How can one determine how long does the flu last?

Determining how long a flu may last anywhere from three days to two weeks. As long as there are symptoms present, the flu is still within your system.

Is is good or not to use Fever Reducers when your fever is not to high?

It is good as long as you are not using aspirin in children or teens under 14. The combination of a flu and the aspirin can cause a disorder that is known as Reyes Syndrome which can be very dangerous for children.

Can you have swine flu without a cough or congestion?

You can have swine flu without fever. Fully 1/2 of people with swine flu have had no fever. I did not have a fever, but I ended up with acute pneumonia after only 24 hours. It went straight to my chest! Here's an article about having swine flu without a fever: