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It's a process called homeostasis. The body cannot tolerate very long periods of increased blood pressure without damaging major organs. After the body realizes that the demands that have been brought upon it (exercise) is over, it is in its best interest to revert back to "normal" blood pressure parameters.

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because your heart is pumping blood much better cause its moving faster and that's why you get tired much faster

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It depends on the person and if they're in good shape or bad shape. A skinny person will have they're blood pressure back to normal before a larger person.

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Q: How long does blood pressure return to normal after exercise?
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After exercise how long before your blood pressure returns to normal?

After exercise, blood pressure returns to your normal resting rate after 10 minutes or more. A significant drop in blood pressure after stopping exercising may indicate that you have an underlying heart condition.

How high is the blood pressure of professional athletes during the game?

It's dependable on how normal is your current blood pressure. For normal blood pressure, the increase during and right after exercise ( depending on how strong it has been,) may not increase too much. And it depends of your age as well, and of your lifestyle, too. Suppose that you have a normal blood pressure, 120x80, systolic and diastolic numbers, after a 30 minutes of exercise, it might raise to 140x90 on average.

Ho to get rid of high blood pressure?

Maintain normal weight reduce sodium exercise drink plenty of "water" Much will depend on how high blood pressure is as to what you can do in the above listed things. Very high blood pressure, do not exercise without doctor's permission.

How much the systolic and diastolic pressure should be for a normal man?

Resting blood pressure for a male (optimum) is 120/70. It will be elevated after exercise or a stressful event.

Is mix martial arts bad for your blood pressure?

No. Any exercise, but particularly cardiovascular exercise...aerobic (anything that makes you out of breath) with strengthen the heart muscle, making the heart more efficient. Blood pressure will temporarily rise during exercise, but should return to normal when you stop. Some exercises can put unneccessary pressure on the heart , like weight lifting or squash - really strenuous activities. If your blood pressure is very high (over 180 systolic) you should consult a doctor before doing any exercise. If you are mildly hypertensive (130-140) or less it should be safe to do exercise.

What is a normal blood pressure listing?

What is a normal blood pressure listing?

How does the body return to its normal state of the heartbeat?

you should rest or take a certain blood pressure medication

Why does blood pressure increase during exercise?

As we exercise, we use our muscles. Our muscles need oxygen to function. Therefore, the more we exercise, or the harder we exercise, the more oxygen we need. In order for our muscles to get that extra oxygen, we need to breathe more. The oxygen then enters our blood and our hearts beat stronger and faster in order for the oxygen to reach the muscles as quickly as possible, thus why our blood pressure increases.

What if blood pressure decreases after exercise?

For a while it may go down but afyer a while it will come back to normal.



Systolic blood pressure minus diastolic blood pressure is known as?

Pulse should ideally be about 40.when it increases it can be risk for heart and is normal for pulse pressure to rise during exercise.

What is normal blood pressure for 20 year old male athlete?

120/80 or below is considered "normal" for someone of this age. However, if you are a serious athlete and exercise strenuously your blood pressure could be 90/60. Which would be your normal range as a "seriously fit" athlete.