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Different Medications last different amounts of time.

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Q: How long does allergy pill last in your body?
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What is nirvene?

Nirvene is an allergy pill.

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What kind of pill is a 44 over 462?

It is a sinus/allergy pill

Does Piriton Allergy tablets effect the pill?

No Piriton allergy tablets do not affect the contraceptive pill. Antihistamines do not affect the effectiveness of the ingredients estrogen and progesterone in the birth control pill.

How long does pre-ejaculate stay in a woman's body even when she's on the pill?

The pill does not change how long fluids stay in your body. Sperm live for up to five days whether or not a woman is on the pill.

Does allergy medicine affect the birth control pill?

Yes you can.

What pill can you take for a cheese allergy?

nothing. for lactose intolerance you can take a lactose pill. lactose intolerance is the gut's incapability to deal with milk sugar. this should never be confused with a true and possibly deadly allergy. food allergy reactions can be serious. if you have mild allergy-induced asthma, your doctor might be able to put you on an asthma maintenance medication that would help control the effects of the allergy. Singulair is one that comes in pill form.

What if your fiance took the pill for 8 years and stopped taking them 3 months ago How long would it take her body to regulate itself again for ovulation?

Ovulation normally returns 2-4 weeks after the last pill regardless of how long a woman has been taking the pill. If her periods were irregular prior to using the pill, they are likely to resume their irregular pattern when she stops the pill.

When you begin taking the pill on your first day of bleeding How long will the period afterwards last?

If you just started the pill your bleeding with probably last however long it did before you started taking the pill. Your next period however will most likely last around 5 days. The pill helps to regulate your period, and it does a great job! But since the first pills you take when you are bleeding are basically placebos your body wont change until you go through almost a whole pack.

How long does the monthly heartguard pill actually last?

a month

The remedy for skin allergy cuaed due to consumption of i pill?

skin allergy is reaction of drug metabolism in the serculartry system

How long will an ecstasy pill high last if its a small pill?

That really depends on your metabolism. Could be as little as an hour or as long as four hours.