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It is rare, but yes, a low blood pressure reading can sometimes be noted 24 hours after blood donation. If this occurs, it is best to have your doctor run a few simple tests to check your levels. It is possible that there is a deficiency within the body.

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Can anxiety change blood pressure?

Typically, When you feel anxious and really stressed, your blood pressure will rise. The reason is because the body is acting the same way it does when it is on an adrenaline rush, but there is no reason to fly or fight, so the faster pulse speeds just stay, thus, blood pressure rises.

How does someones blood pressure stay the same with out eating?

Eating does not typically have any effect on blood pressure. So there shouldn't be any change.

What foods do you stay away from when you have high blood pressure?

all pork

Fall in blood pressure?

Dehydration can cause a drop in blood pressure. Be sure you drink enough water to stay hydrated. Pneumonia can also cause a drop in blood pressure, most likely due to dehydration.