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If a patient wears contact lenses, they should not be worn for a few weeks prior to surgery. It also is important to discontinue contact lens wear prior to the visual exams to make sure vision is stable.

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Q: How long do you need to not wear contacts before LASIK?
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Are you eligible for lasik eye surgury?

To determine if you are a candidate for LASIK eye surgery you will need to have a screening exam which can be done at minimal or no charge in most locations. If you can see well with glasses or contacts and are in general healthy you will probably be a candidate for LASIK.

How long do you have to wait before you can wear contacts after retinal laser surgery?

Why would you need contacts after the surgery? You need to ask your doctor about this one.

What are some benefits of eye lasik?

Lasik can correct vision problems so the user does not need to wear glasses or contact lens any more. This can save a lot of money over time.You are at a less at risk for infection when you no longer need contacts.

How soon after cataract surgery can contact lens be worn?

Basically, if you could wear contacts before LASIK you can wear them afterwards if needed. There are some people who have LASIK because they cannot wear contacts and this is not necessarily going to be helped by LASIK. Also, some people who wear hard or gas permeable contact lenses are not able to wear them as well because the "dome" of the cornea is changed and the lenses will not center well. Finally, if there is some irregular astigmatism caused by the LASIK which is rare, then soft contact lenses will not fully restore the vision. For most people who have LASIK, they are able to go back to contact lens wear if needed after the healing period is completed. You should wait at least six months after your corneal flap will completely adhere to the surface of the eye. The vast majority of patients do not need to wear contact lenses after Lasik. There are some conditions where contacts may be helpful or favourable after laser vision correction procedure. In Conclusion, if you could use contacts comfortably before procedure, it will not be a problem for you to use them again after Lasik.

What are the risks involved in lasik eye surgery?

Some of the risks include your vision being over-corrected or under-corrected. You also still might need to wear eyeglasses or contacts after the procedure.

How do you rid of glass?

Some people who need vision assistance opt to wear contacts instead of eye glasses. To get rid of corrective lens altogether, Lasik eye surgery is an option for some people.

Is Lasik Surgery Worth It?

Lasik eye surgery is a relatively new procedure (its popular use began in the 1990s) to correct one’s vision by changing the shape of the cornea in order to drastically reduce or completely eliminate the need for corrective glasses or lenses. The main factors to consider before getting Lasik are function, risks, and affordability. Function refers to the usefulness you will get from a Lasik procedure. If you are happy wearing glasses/contacts or rarely need them, Lasik may not be worth the costs and potential risks involved. However, if you are someone who sees corrective lenses as a burden or requires better eyesight, Lasik can be a huge improvement in your life. Be wary of your Lasik needs. For professions that require perfect or near perfect eyesight, Lasik is not always a quick fix to give you perfect vision (e.g. pilots). If you are considering Lasik as a means of pursuing a career, check with your potential employer before getting surgery to ensure Lasik corrected eyesight is appropriate for the position. For most, the simple desire to see without lenses is enough motivation and benefit to outweigh the costs and risk involved in Lasik. The jury is still out on the risks of Lasik. As a relatively new procedure, there is no long term data on potential risks. As with all medical procedures, there is an unavoidable, albeit potentially low chance of harm. Short term, documented risks of Lasik include inflammation, dry eyes, vision LOSS, and the potential for diminishing benefits with time, amongst others. Lasik is not for everyone, especially those who participate in high contact activities (think sports), minors (under 18), people with certain diseases/conditions, and those who have had a lens prescription change within the last year. The most effective way to evaluate your risks vs. benefits is to seek multiple doctor opinions and asking questions based on personal research. Finally, Lasik should not be pursued based on price alone. Lasik prices are currently quite variant, but expect to pay at least a couple thousand dollars. Your best bet is to ignore price, focusing rather on doctor opinions of reliable and effective Lasik surgeons.

Does one need a prescription to get cat eye contacts?

Yes, you need a prescription to get cat eye contacts just like any other type of contact lenses. This is important to ensure the lenses fit your eyes properly and do not cause any harm or discomfort. You should always consult with an eye care professional before purchasing any type of contact lenses.

Lasik eye surgery Is 66 years too old for lasik surgery?

I suggest you should actually consult a Lasik Surgeon. Lasik Surgery is general O.K for patients that are 70 and younger, but as with any surgical procedure your case may be different. You really need to talk to a qualified surgeon for a evaluation.

Can you get lasik eye surgery if your pregnant?

I don't think there is a contra-indication to the actual surgery but before the surgery you need to take a Valium or similar calming tablet to relax, the nursing staff actually give it to you so that could be a contra-indication. Talk to your opthalmologist. Answer 2: It is not advisable to get Lasik done during pregnancy because there is a possibility that you will not get the desired results... (see related link: Lasik Surgery Clinic)

Do you need glasses to have contacts?

no Unless you are getting colored contacts. If not, then you will need a prescription to get contacts. Most eye doctors want you to have both just in case your eyes get "tired' of wearing contacts.

Dr. Thompson performed my lasik about 11 years ago. Goof job! Is it possible to now correct astigmatism that has increased in my left eye with another procedure I also have some dryness in this eye.?

Yes, it is possible to correcty most of lasik complications. You shall need a detailed exam and shall need to see Dr.Gulani who is a world expert on fixing lasik complications this link has a complete guide regarding the lasik surgery and some other questions rearding lasik surgery.