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Q: How long do head lice live on a hat?
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Why is the santa hat always itch when you put it on?

Because santa is mean!

How can you get head lices other from head to head contact?

"you can get head lice by not washing your hair for a long time or going to a dirty place caz head lice are just little bugs that can fly in your hair mostly is found in dirty places. so watch out where u r going caz u never know if there Head lice in your hair or not BE CAREFUL" is the biggest lie you will hear the truth is the prefer clean hair the natural oils in your scalp can actually make it harder from them to breath and to lay there eggs, they don't fly. to catch them you need to have direct head to head contact, use a infected person hat, brush, pillow, bed...etc they can only live on other surfaces for 48 hours with out a human to live on.

How are head lice transmitted?

Sharing brushes/combs, wearing anothers hat, lying on an infected persons' pillow or just hanging out with somebody that does have head lice. It is head to head contact..... stay away from somebody scratching!

Can head lice be transferred by sharing football helmet?

Yes. Head lice can be transferred by sharing any type of hat or helmet or sharing a comb or hairbrush or even standing anywhere near someone who has been infected. It's also very hard to get rid of. You should see a specialist.

Is it bad to sleep with your hat on?

No i don't think its bad to sleep with a hat on as long as it isn't a tight hat that might leave marks on your head.

How did Abraham Lincoln live with such a big head under the hat?

The hat just makes his head look big. He was a tall man for his time. Over 6 feet tall .

How does someone get head lice?

Head Lice cannot jump and they do not live on other animals. You get them from head to head contact with another person. The lice crawl from their head to yours. If you get more than one louse and they breed, then you get eggs which hatch and you have an infestation.

How does a woolly hat keep you warm in the winter?

it depends how long it is if its short and ur bald it keeps your head warm and if u have a long hat and hair it keeps your ears warm it depends on the hat

You wear this on your head?

A hat.

How are lice born?

lice are insects. people who have lice comb their hair and little lice eggs/larvae get left on the comb. they wear a hat it gets stuck on the hat. when someone else uses the comb/hat, the eggs/larvae get left on their scalp, hatch, and reproduce

What is a hard hat to protect the head?

A hard hat to protect the head is a helmet.

What is an article of headgear?

A hat or anything that will sit on your head and stay.