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Q: How long did edward Jenner take to make the vaccine for smallpox?
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Who developed the smallpox vaccine?

The first known cases of smallpox go back to 1350 BC and the disease has been known for a very long time. Dr. Campbell identified how smallpox is spread. Edward Jenner is credited with developing the smallpox vaccine in 1796.See the Web Links to the left for more information about the history of smallpox.

Did edward Jenner develop a vaccine for polio?

No, he developed a vaccine for smallpox, back in 1796. But his successful experiments led to other vaccines long after he died, including the polio vaccine, which is usually credited to Jonas Salk-- he announced it in 1953.

Who discovered smallpox?

The first known cases of smallpox go back to 1350 BC and the disease has been known for a very long time. Dr. Campbell identified how smallpox is spread. Edward Jenner is credited with developing the smallpox vaccine in 1796.

What was edward Jenner's contribution to science?

Edward Jenner was born in 1749, in Berkeley. He wanted to get rid of small pox for ever so he carried out a simple experiment, which turned out to change everyone's lives for the better. Edward Jenner noticed that cows sometimes got a disease called cowpox. Because the milkmaids had to milk the cows, they often also caught cowpox…but it didn't seem to harm them. Edward Jenner was intrigued - milkmaids that had caught cowpox never seemed to catch the contagious and deadly smallpox, which thousands of people died from. Edward Jenner came up with a theory, that cowpox prevented people from getting smallpox. To test his theory, Edward Jenner needed to find someone who was young and who hadn't caught smallpox or cowpox before. He found a boy called James Phipps (aged 8) and explained his idea. Edward Jenner then took some pus from a milkmaid's cowpox and rubbed it into two small incisions on James's arm. Soon after, James became ill with cowpox but the symptoms didn't last long. 6 weeks later, Jenner took some pus from a smallpox victim and again put it into James's cuts. However, this time James didn't catch the disease. Cowpox was called vaccinia so he called his invention the vaccine.

How does smallpox spread from host to host?

it started long time ago so this guy his name was Edward Jenner he came up with away to stop it spreading

How did the people from Chinese use the smallpox vaccine long time ago?

During the Tang and Song Dynasties in ancient China, physicians practiced the smallpox vaccine throught the inocculation method.

How long did Edward Jenner work at st gorge hospital?

for a long time

How was the first vaccine created?

It was on May 14, 196, that Edward Jenner from Berkely, Gloucestershire, England first atempt to create a vaccine. He extracted the contents of a pustule fro the arm of a cowpox infected milkmaid, Sarah Nelmen, and injected it into the arm of eight-year-old James Phipps. As Jenner expected, immunization or vaccination with the cowpox virus caused only mild symptoms in the boy. When he subsequently inoculated the boy with smalllpox virus, the boy showed no symtomps of disease. The procedure is repeated to many paptients. By 1800 the practice is known as variolationhad began in America and by 1805 Napoleon Bonaparte had oredered all French solders to be vaccinated.

How does the vaccine that contains cowpox virus prevent smallpox?

The vaccine that contains cowpox virus, known as the smallpox vaccine, stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies against both cowpox and smallpox viruses. This immune response creates memory cells that provide long-term protection against smallpox by recognizing and attacking the virus if exposed in the future, preventing the disease.

Why was there opposition to Jenner about vaccination and inoculation?

Actually smallpox inoculation had been done for more than 3000 years before Jenner in India and other places. It involved using pustules from a recovering smallpox victim to induce what was hoped to be a mild case of smallpox and immunity. However sometimes inoculation caused a full blown case of smallpox with all the scarring and occasionally death. But people were familiar with it and felt they understood its benefits and risks. Jenner introduced vaccination involving pustules from cows (in Latin vacca) with active cowpox. People were neither familiar or comfortable with this new method. Perhaps it might not produce immunity as effectively or long lasting as successful inoculation did. Might it produce unexpected side effects? Nobody (including Jenner) knew for certain and many rumors about vaccination began circulating.

How long to wait between flu vaccine and shingles vaccine?

interval- flu vaccine and the shingles vaccine

Is smallpox long term or short term?

long term