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you can live with stomach and gut ulcers for years and years with symptoms but its best to get it sorted as soon as possible as the ulcer can perforate which will kill you or it can turn cancerous if it gets worse and worse and is not treated as someone who has a very bad ulcer i can tell you its best to get it sorted straight away otherwise you will be in serious trouble i used to drink a lot of coca cola years ago and have now paid the price now all i can drink is milk and water because it hurts my stomach to even drink lemonade so as i said get it sorted asap

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Q: How long can you go before treating a bleeding ulcer?
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Stomach Ulcers are caused by the Helicobactor Pylori Bacteria & are not caused by stress or drinking or any thing that you ingest, however IF you have an Ulcer, Many, many things can make the symptoms worse Especially Alcohol, Spicy food & many over the counter drugs, These things produce excess stomach acid which irritates & inflames the ulcer often making it bleed. If left untreated for too long an Ulcer will burst or perforate the stomach lining causing internal bleeding & or hemorrhaging which can be fatal. You must take a course of specific Antibiotics for up to 3 months to cure an ulcer & you must stick to a specific dietary regimen until the ulcer is healed. Aspirin is acidic & will exacerbate the symptoms of an Ulcer so it should be avoided until the ulcer is cured.

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2 weeks

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It'll be 17 to 24 days til her next heat.

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a longtim i suppose like ini

What causes a person to be nauseous for weeks with low blood pressure and no energy?

My first thought is a chronic bleeding lesion, where you are losing blood over a long period of time. This could be anything from excessive menstruation flow to a bleeding stomach ulcer to a cancer. I would suggest seeking medical attention immediately - if this has been going on for over a week, it obviously is not going to get better on its own.

Could you get leather in the first century?

Yes. Ancient civilisations had leather. The processes of producing leather and treating it are not that old, but they did have leather in the first century and long before that.