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Usually you get PMS symptoms about a week before your period is due to start.

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Q: How long before your period do you get signs of having a period?
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Period signs but no period?

I had this before my period started DONT WORRY basically it can be different for all girls mine lasted for a year all girls are unique but if it lasts very long be patient when you do get your period your gonna prob wish yours was more longer.BUT DONT WORRY! its normal and your very lucky to have this!

You had a baby in August how long will it take to start your regular period?

It can take anywhere from three to sixteen weeks before you start having a period, and could take up to two years before it normalizes again.

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It depends. Get a pregnancy test to be sure.

True of False - Pregnancy can occur the first time a couple has intercourse?

Yes! as long as it is in that period of a woman's fertility cycle where she is ovulating and she doesn't have to have had her first period yet either. Same after having a baby - she can get pregnant right away, again without having a period. The fertility cycle comes before the period.

If you are 13 and havent had your first period yet what are signs youre getting your fist period?

Mood swings, possible cramping, discharge. All of these, and maybe more that isn't coming to mind are all possible signs. But don't worry. As long as you get your period before sixteen, you're good. If in the future, you don't have it by the time you're sixteen, a visit to the doctor is always recommended.

How long do you have to be exposed to mold before you show symptoms?

You may not shows signs of being exposed to mold for years. It's best to avoid mold exposure for any period of time.

Signs of your period starting?

im 13 and all my friends have started their period apart from me. i am having all the signs apart from blood. my friend had all the signs and started not long ago so i should start soon. the signs are tender boobs, cramps, back aches, headaches, mood swings, pains down below, clear or white discharge and sometimes blood. if you get most of these symptoms everyday you will be likely to start soon i hope this helps you

How long before your period do you gain weight?

i never knew you gained weight before your period......

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There are no signs for having too much fun. Fun doesn’t have rules as long as you don’t break laws or harm others.

Can you have a orgasem without having your period?

Yes, you can have an orgasm before you ever get your period. In fact females can reach orgasm from as young as 18 months old, so females can orgasm long before they even enter puberty let alone reach menarche.

How long does it take to get your period after having a baby?

Unless you are nursing your period will return in six weeks.

After having a c-section how long does it take to get a period?

Your period should last about 2 weeks the most..