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I am not sure what you mean by discharge.

When a woman speaks about discharge, she usually means cervical mucus that the vagina constantly produces. This mucus protects the vagina (and uterus) from germs and diseases. The discharge will change over the course of her menstrual cycle, changing colour and texture when she is fertile (around ovulation).

If you are young and haven't had your period, you should still be producing cervical mucus to keep your vagina moist and free of bacteria and germs that could cause infections. Just because you are producing mucus, it is not indicative that your periods are about to start.

When your period starts is due to genetic factors and diet. Ask you mum or sisters when they started their period as a indicator of when you period will start. It is also shown that starting your period is linked to your weight. Larger girls will start earlier than skinny girls as you need to have reached a certain amount of body fat before your body thinks it is able to support a pregnancy.

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13y ago
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13y ago

It depends on your health. Your body decides. I know i had mine for over a year. I've heard stories of people having it for over two years. you should start your period between the ages of 8-18. But everybody is different so don't worry.

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13y ago

for me, it was about 1-8 months. But don't worry, your period won't be that bad. Discharge doesn't seem to go away from what I've heard, so that sux. but, don't let it stop you. Ever. You may have discharge longer than expected, but that's normal according 2 my friends. hope this helped!!! And good luck!!!

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11y ago

You start to get discharge as you enter puberty - there's no direct corelation between getting discharge and getting your first period as both are changes that happen during puberty, however you can expect your first period within four years of starting puberty.

You may notice changes to discharge leading up to your first period - typically 2-3 weeks before menstruation you get fertile cervical mucus which is clear and stretchy like egg-whites, then 1-2 weeks before menstruation your discharge will get heavier and while more like lotion or cream. A few days before menses you may get 'spotting' which is pink or brown discharge, a result of light menstrual bleeding mixing with discharge.

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12y ago

It could be a while. A year even. It all depends on how mature the rest of your body is. When you will get your period also depends on genetics. You might have an idea of when you'll get it from your mom and older sister (if you have one).

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13y ago

Usually after girls start getting discharge they will get there period one or two years after.!

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12y ago

It should be 28 days, but it could be more or less

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12y ago

around 1 to 2 years

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How long do you have discharge for before you start your period?

You have discharge right after the period that just ended and it lasts

Do you get discharge if you have not had your period?

Yes. You get discharge before you get your period.

How long do you have discharge before your first period starts?

Girls usually have discharge for about 6 months to a year before starting her first period but it can vary from girl to girl. Some girls can have discharge for only about 3-4 months before getting their first periods as others may have discharge for about 2 years before they start.

How long did you have discharge for before you started your period?

well, i had discharge for about three years and then i went through puberty and my period. it is now my fourth month going through my period. peace!!!!!!!!! - candace redman

How long do you get vaginal discharge for before you get your period?

Vaginal discharge starts as you enter puberty, there is no way of telling when your period will start by when you started to get discharge. The most that can be said is that menstruation normally starts within four years of starting puberty.

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What color is discharge before your period?

Usually white

Is having a lot of discharge right before your period a sign of pregnancy?

The week before a period, being pregnant or using oral contraceptives are associated with increased discharge.

How long does a girl that is 11years old have white stuff before their period?

i was 13 when i started my period and had discharge about a month or two before. i didn't think much of it though because it wasn't a lot.

What color discharge do you get before your period?

Your discharge would be white before menstruation.You may also experience spotting so see brown or pink discharge.

Signs about your period?

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