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It depends, size, composition, are you receiving TPA (clot-buster). If you are very fortunate, it will dissolve quickly. Time is gray matter...

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Q: How long after a stroke does the clot on the brain take to dissolve?
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Damage to the brain due to a hemorrhage or blood clot?

Hemorrhage or blood clot in the brain can cause a variety of symptoms including headache, weakness, numbness, difficulty speaking, and in severe cases, loss of consciousness. Prompt medical attention is necessary to minimize damage and prevent potential long-term complications such as paralysis or cognitive impairment. Treatment may involve medication to address the clot or surgery to remove the hemorrhage.

How long does it take a blood clot in the leg to dissolve?

The time it takes for a blood clot in the leg to dissolve can vary depending on the size and location of the clot. Treatment with blood thinners usually helps dissolve the clot within a few days to weeks. In some cases, it may take several months for the clot to completely dissolve. It is important to follow your healthcare provider's advice for monitoring and managing the clot.

How can a stroke kill you?

Yes a stroke can kill you. A stroke happens when there is a lack of blood flow to the brain. When there is no blood, there is no oxygen and the brain cells start to die, causing a stroke or death of brain tissue. Where in the brain the stroke happens and how long the brain goes without blood can make a difference as to how bad the stroke is.

What is true about the blood in the carotid artery?

When blood flow to the brain is cut off, it causes a stroke. A stroke, in turn, can lead to brain damage, long-term disabilities, or even death.

Is brain stroke dangerous?

Yes, a brain stroke is a medical emergency that occurs when blood flow to the brain is disrupted, leading to potential brain damage. It can be dangerous, as it may result in long-term disabilities or even death if not treated promptly. Prompt medical attention and appropriate treatment are crucial in improving outcomes for individuals who have experienced a stroke.

Which disorder occurs when there is a loss of blood flow and in turn oxygen to the brain?

When there is a loss of blood flow and oxygen to the brain, it can lead to a condition called stroke. This can result in brain damage and various neurological symptoms depending on the area of the brain affected. Immediate medical attention is crucial to minimize the long-term effects of a stroke.

How long can you live after your first strokle?

It depends what part of the brain is affected ! Many stroke 'victims' go on to live a long life.

How long does it take for a pulmonary embolism to dissolve?

There is no set time, but it will take months, generally. Generally you will take a medicine called Coumadin (warfarin) that will "thin" the blood, that is, take the blood longer to clot and avoid an additional blood clot from forming. This and the tincture of time, that is, the body's ability to dissolve the blood clot thru its normal processes will rid you of the clot by dissolving it thru a complex process of special cells that circulate thru the blood. Next step is avoiding another blood clot. This is based on how the original clot formed, there are several ways this could have happened. Your Doctor may perform a test called chest CT to see if it has gone away.

Is sitting to long harmful?

Sitting too long could be harmfull to someone with a pre-existing health condition. It can cause a blood to clot in some people and may cause a stroke or heart attack. But it is rare for that to happen.

What is an acute stroke?

An acute stroke is a sudden onset of impaired blood flow to the brain, leading to brain cell damage. It requires immediate medical attention to minimize brain injury and potential long-term disability. Symptoms can include facial drooping, arm weakness, and speech difficulty.

What happens to the brain if it loses all its blood?

If the brain goes without blood for more than a couple of minutes, neurons will start to die.

A stroke is a rupture of a blood vessel in the?

brain, leading to a sudden interruption of blood supply resulting in brain cell damage. This disruption can cause neurological deficits like paralysis or speech difficulties. Immediate medical attention is crucial to minimize long-term effects and prevent complications.