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Dear Reader; Only your health care provider can answer that question since a reason for the miscarriage is not known to me. I do want to share with you a little about miscarriage. Miscarriage also known as spontainious abortion can be caused by multiple factors. Four of them are; induced miscarriage, misarriage due to problems with the mothers health, miscarriage due to problems with the fetus, and miscarriage do to specific disease. Induced miscarriage can be brought about by hormonal dosage such as the morning after pill, alergens, poisons, and some forms of trauma. The mother can have problems with her body which can present many different ways. She may have a miscarriage one time and then not the next and so on. The growth of the fetus is a very interesting and complicated process. The human gnome structure does not have the complete information to build the human body. What it does have is enough information to build a self replicating computer, the brain. The brain uses the blueprint it got from the gnome structure to build the framework of the body and then fills in the detail on its own. Look closely at identical twins. You will see many small differences. If any things goes wrong in the process, the brain or the body organs will shut down and miscarriage occures. There are other things that can happen in the fetus to cause miscarriage, too numerous to mention here. The specific disease I want to mention is or are STDs. The first sign, in some cases, of a STD infection is miscarriage. These are reasons a woman who has had a miscarriage should see a health care provider for the sake of her own and future children's health. Dwight

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17y ago
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14y ago

I was always told the month after because your hormones are not all the way back to normal and your uterus is still clingy and will hold on th the embryo better. so unless you were far along when you miscarried and it was a super bad one then I would try the month after. good luck!!

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15y ago

im i doctor u should start bleeding immediately

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15y ago

A heavy flow or menstruation itself is an indication that a miscarriage has occurred. You may start conceiving again the same month around the time of ovulation. Hope this helps!

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How long after you miscarriage can you try again on another baby?

If your miscarriage took place in last stages of pregnancy, or if in your miscarriage any kind of surgery was done, you should wait more than six months to try again so that your body comes back to normal position and you also mentally prepare yourself to try for another baby. But if miscarriage occurs in early stages of pregnancy, like within three months, and your bleeding stopped within 10 or some more days, then you can try immediately after miscarriage and there is no need to wait long. Recent studies show that if a woman get pregnant again after a miscarriage within six months, her chances of a healthy pregnancy are far more than those who get pregnant after six months. However you should wait for a normal period after miscarriage and when a normal period comes, you can try to get pregnant again after this period. This is because if you get pregnant immediately after miscarriage and do not wait for a normal period, you will have no exact date of start of your pregnancy as well as LMP. So it is advised to wait for a normal period. My advise is also that you try again after a normal period after the miscarriage, and try immediately after that period and do not wait any more. There is no need at all to wait for more than one normal period. Hope this is the answer to your question.

How long after a miscarriage do you bleed?

It depends on how long hve u been pregnant. But mostly it's a week or less. If u keep bleeding after a week, and it's bright red, you should consult a doctor.

Is it ok to miss a period if you just started?

yes. As long as you haven't had sex you will be fine, your next period should occur in the following 28 days.

How long does it take to start a normal period after misscarring?

Typically you'll get the next period in 4-6 weeks after a first trimester miscarriage.

How long after a miscarriage and needing a d and c should you wait to try again?

Until you've had your period twice so you know the system works properly and everything is back to normal.

How long after a miscarriage should a pregnancy test show positive?

A pregnancy test can remain positive for 2 weeks after a miscarriage. Sometimes longer.

How long after you have what you think is a miscarriage can you go to the doctors?

There is no established period. You go right away and check yourself. No fear.

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how long dhould the bleeding occur after intercourse when you are pregnant how long should the bleeding occur after intercourse when you are pregnant

How long can you bleed when having a miscarriage?

If it goes on for very long you should see your GYN to get some help with the problem.

What is the cause of a long period after a missed period?

I went through the same thing and I had a miscarriage, there was lots of blood clots and the bleeding was extremely heavy and lasted for a week exactly.

How long do your period last after a miscarriage?

Depends on how far along you are I was only about a month along when I miscarried and I only bled for 4 days