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You are contagious while you have any signs or symptoms of a break out. After the sore has healed wait 4-6 days then you shouldn't be as contagious as you were during a break out.

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Q: How long after a cold sore scab is gone are you contagious for?
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How do you know shingles are healing?

A cold sore is a lesion that forms around the oral area and the most common etiologic microbe is the herpes simplex virus. One is no longer contagious once the lesion crusts over and fades away - usually a 7-10 day process.

Is earwax good for a cold sore after a scab has formed?

Earwax isn't good for a cold sore after a scab has formed.

Can you wax your legs if you have a scab on your knee?

you shouldnt be waxing your knees when you have any wounds on it so wait until the scab has gone away

Can you kiss when a cold sore is gone?

If she's already got herpes, or doesn't mind catching it, sure.Herpes (the disease that causes cold sores) is lesscontagious when there's not an active outbreak (i.e. a cold sore), but it's not completely non-contagious.

What happens if you pick at your scab from a cold sore?

it could spark an infction or re inspire the cold sore

What is the difference between a scab and a virus?

A scab is a dried-up, crusty patch of dead skin on any part of your body on the skin. A virus is completely different from a scab, because a virus is what messes up computers, or carries colds and other diseases (diseases like the flu, the common cold, etc.) that affect human health. Though, the only way in which a scab and virus are related is that if the scab is scratched off, or there is an open spot in the scab, a virus could enter the body through the scab.

How long have abdulah gul and erdogen been head of turkey?

222222 yrs the scab dog 222222 yrs the scab dog

What grows over a wound as. It heals?

A scab

How do you get rid of a cold sore QUICK I have a date tomorrow night and my cold sore is at its peek I don't want a scab there HELP?

fill a cup with water, then add a lot of salt....the more u put in, the faster it will disappear...mix it up, and then gargle it....continue until the entire cup is gargled, and in the morning, your cold sore should be gone! this is the only method I've ever found that works

What grows over a wound as it heals change one letter?

A scab grows over the wound and then heals.

Belly button ring has a blackish scab help?

If your belly button ring has a blackish scab you may have torn it or pulled it a little on your clothing. As long as there is not discharge or redness, it isn't infected.

What cause impetigo?

It is a highly contagious rash and itches and when scratched the scab comes off and a water like substance oozes out causing the rash to expand. it is a type of bacteria and is very contageous. by shannon goodsell x