a man can not survive for a week without water
This can variate;it can be above 100
The Smoking Man was created in 1993.
Erectile dysfunction is a common sequela of atherosclerosis
No, a man can have a baby with or without smoking weed.
Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man was created on 1996-11-17.
A man smoking a cigar?
Man vs. Man or Man vs. Nature. All the tributes are trying to survive. Without killing another person, or without being able to withstand the conditions of the Hunger Games, you would not survive long.
Albert Einstein said that, if bees disappeared man would only survive for 4 years.
Cigarette-smoking Man
With sufficient water and food a person could survive indefinitely. Without water, just 2-3 days in the summer months.
Depending on your genetics! If your lucky 70-80 with great health complications. Not so lucky 40-50.