

How light is anorexic?

Updated: 11/16/2022
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14y ago

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Anorexics can be any weight, but most tend to be underweight for their height and age.

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An anorexic is a person who suffers from anorexia.

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she is anorexic. she is anorexic.

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No, Taylor Swift is not anorexic

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1 in every 250 people are anorexic. So that is 0.4% or so.Roughly 1 in every 250 people are anorexic, or have an eating disorder with anorexic-like properties.

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No, shes just a petite person, shes not anorexic

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You can not make a Sim anorexic.

Percentage of anorexic in US?

Roughly 1 in every 250 people in the US is anorexic.

Do anorexic people eat kitchen roll?

No, anorexic people do not eat kitchen roll. I know this because i am anorexic and i haven't eaten kitchen roll since... forever!