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From droplet transmission spread through the coughing and sneezing of an infected person.

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It is an extremely contagious infection, spread through the tiny droplets that may spray into the air when an individual carrying the virus sneezes or coughs.

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Q: How is the virus that causes measles spread?
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What micro organism causes measles?

The measles virus, specifically the Measles morbillivirus, is responsible for causing measles in humans. It is highly contagious and is spread through respiratory droplets from coughs and sneezes of an infected person. Vaccination is an effective way to prevent measles.

What type of microbe causes measles?

Measles are caused from a microbe, virus, which is transmitted through contact with a person that caught them. the transmission period where the virus is contagious is about three weeks prior to a person getting them, usually direct contact, sometimes airborne also.

Measeles the virus that causes it?

The virus that causes measles is called rubella. The measles virus attacks the skin, respiratory and immune systems. It presents itself as a rash with flu-like symptoms.

What causes German measles?

German measles is a mild infectious illness caused by the rubella virus, which is why it is sometimes called rubella. There is no connection between German measles and measles. which is caused by a different virus.German measles is caused by a virus, and is spread by fine droplets of moisture, which contains the virus. The droplets are produced when the infected person coughs, sneezes or even talks and another person then inhales these droplets and may become infected.the German measles is another name for the disease Rubella which is caused by the Toga virus which is a RNA virus. there is a vaccine for it which is part of your MMR shots which we all get as kids.The Rubella virus causes German Measles.

How is Measles Contagious?

Measles is a sickness caused by a virus. It can be spread by contact with droplets from the nose, mouth, or throat of an infected person.

How are measles and mumps virus similar to rubella virus?

Chickenpox and measles are both viral communicable illnesses spread by respiratory droplets that can cause rashes. They are both vaccine-preventable.

How vaccinating a child with MMR vaccine makes them immune to measles?

MMR is measles mumps and rubella. If you give a strain of measles to a child, it's immune system develops anti bodies that destroy the virus, the anti bodies will stay around for ever and the child will be immune to measles as the anti bodies will prevent the measles virus from spreading.

Why do people get the symptoms from measles?

It is because of the way the body responds to the virus and what tissues the virus infects. The virus that causes AIDS for example, affects different tissues and doesn't show the same way as measles does.

Are Measles caused by a virus or bacterium?

Measles is caused by a virus called the measles virus, specifically the measles morbillivirus. It is a highly contagious virus that spreads through respiratory droplets from an infected person.

What type of organism causes measles?

Normal measles is caused by the Rubeola virus. You most likely got vaccinated for it as a child - it's a part of the MMR (measles mumps rubella) vaccine. Make sure not to confuse Rubeola (normal measles) with Rubella (German measles) as they're slightly different viruses :)Does anybody know because I really need to know for my science stuff and I don't have a clue! Help please. Many Thanks.chocolate

What type of pathogen causes chickenpox measles and mumps?

Colds, influenza and measles are all three caused by different kinds of viruses.

Is measles bacterial or fungal or virus?

Measles is a viral infection caused by the measles virus. It is not bacterial or fungal in nature.