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The pox virus is a lytic virus in that it kills the cell within 12 hours. The herpes virus can be both lytic and lysogenic (hidden).

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Q: How is the replication cycle of pox compare to the herpes virsus?
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What is this viral replication cycle called?

Replication cycle

When during a cell cycle does Replication occur?

DNA replication occurs during the S phase of the cell cycle, which is the phase where DNA is duplicated to create identical copies of the genetic material before cell division. This ensures that each daughter cell receives a complete set of genetic information.

What is centrifugal replication?

Centrifugal replication is a process in which DNA replication is initiated at a specific point and proceeds in two directions away from that point. This method uses a centrifuge to separate the newly synthesized DNA strands by their density. It is often used to study the replication of circular DNA molecules, such as plasmids.

What is The Cycle Of Viral Infection Replication and Cell Destruction?

Lysogenic Cycle.

How much time is associated with the replication cycle of a lytic cycle?

The replication cycle of a lytic cycle typically takes around 20 to 40 minutes to complete in a bacteriophage system. This includes the attachment, entry, biosynthesis, maturation, and release phases of the cycle.

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What is the same about lytic cycle and the lysogenic cycle?

They both are viral replication processes :3

How are lytic cycle and lysogenic cycle similar?

both virus attaches to host cell, viral replication cycle

Can herpes make your period late or not come?

No, herpes cannot make your period late. Menstruation is determined by your menstrual cycle, a cycle controlled by hormonal changes throughout your body between your brain and reproductive organs.

Replication of DNA is performed when?

during the interphsase of the cell cycle.

What is a virus replication that includes the lysogenic cycle?

temperate viruses

What happens in s1 phase of the cell cycle?

During the S phase of the cell cycle, DNA replication occurs where the cell synthesizes a copy of its DNA. This phase is essential for ensuring that each daughter cell receives a complete set of genetic information during cell division.