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Most people with eating disorders have low self-esteem. The most common reasons for having an eating disorder are a need for control, thinness, or perfection.

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Q: How is self-esteen related to some eating disorders?
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How ais self-esteen related to some eating disorders?

many people who develop eating disorders also have very low self esteem

What eating disorders can you catch?

None. Eating disorders are not contagious. Although there may be some possibility that a predisposition to them (the disorders) could be hereditary in some instances, much like some other mental illnesses.

Why do teens start eating disorders?

Teen's don't "start" eating disorders. Eating disorders are a very serious disease that commonly occurs in teens as well as adults. However, they're are some teens that pretend to have one because they think it's cool or they'll get noticed but the majority of people that have eating disorders are really sick.

What are some of the causes of eating disorders?

Some of the major causes of extreme eating disorders such an bulimia and also anorexia include low self esteem, bullying and also low confidence levels.

How are eating disorders controversial?

Well, some people believe that eating disorders aren't a real disease and that people who have them can just eat and be cured. When in reality that is not how it works at all.

Do you have to be an adult to be in an eating disorder program?

Definitely not. There are even eating disorders programs geared specifically to teens. And some people have eating disorders even before the teen years, so there are programs for them too.

What are 3 examples ofm ental health problems?

Some of the problem associated with mental problems are the eating disorders,mood disorders and anxiety disorders.

What are some subtopics for eating disorders -?

Anorexia nervosa and bulimia, to name two.

Do models encourage teenage eating disorders?

I would say not, because some have them themselves!

Where can you get help for eating disorders?

To get help, some of the best places to go are support groups and / or hospitals (sometimes they are tied in with one another). Check the Treatment Finder at Something Fishy Website on Eating Disorders.

Names of all eating disorders?

Some common eating disorders include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, and avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder. These disorders can have serious physical and psychological consequences if left untreated.

Why do females face eating disorders more than males?

In many modern countries today, women are pressured to lose weight and meet the standards of models, some of which are totally unrealistic. Males are under less pressure to do this, generally, but there are males with eating disorders. One example is men who are jockeys, they have to maintain a certain weight, and some resort to eating disorders and compulsive exercise to do so.