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Genetic testing for the Breast cancer genes is doing via blood testing. Previous counseling is a normal requirement.

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Q: How is genetic testing for breast cancer done?
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Can patients with breast cancer always tell that they have breast cancer?

No, there are several tests that need to be done to confirm a breast cancer diagnosis.

What type of biopsy is done for breast cancer?

fnac test

Who does Breast reconstruction?

Reconstructions are commonly done after one or both breasts are removed as a treatment for breast cancer

What are the top three cancers?

nothing really causes cancer. Cancer just naturally grows by itself. Cancer can be environmental, it can be organic, and it can also be carcinogenic. Environmental- How do you live? Do you live in a big city with smog? Do you live in the country with clean air? Organic- This could be a number of things. This could be a type of cancer that is genetic. For example: Breast cancer, Ovarian cancer, Testicular cancer. Carcinogenic- This basically means that something you have done repetitively, i.e. smoking, has caused cancer.

What kind of cancer screening does planned parenthood do?

Screening for breast cancer and cervical cancer are the most common types of cancer screening done at Planned Parenthood. Biopsy for endometrial and vulvar cancer are also common services. Offices may also order testing to screen for colon and prostate cancer, and the typical examination will also look for signs of cancer of the thyroid, skin, and testicles.

Where is breakthrough breast cancer research being done?

Breakthrough breast cancer research is being conducted at many of the major hospitals and funding is provided by the Cancer Society as well as many drug manufacturers.

What kind of genetic tests are available for prostate cancer?

There are no genetic tests to see if you have prostate cancer. It is possible to find out by going to a doctor and having other tests done, however.

How can breast reconstruction be done?

A modified version of abdominoplasty may be used to reconstruct a breast in a patient who has undergone mastectomy (surgical removal of the breast, usually as a treatment for cancer

Can excessive pressing of breast causes breast cancer?

If the breasts are pressed gently there are no chances of any harm being done to her.

Where can you get mitocondrial DNA tested?

You can get mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) testing done through commercial genetic testing companies like 23andMe, FamilyTreeDNA, or AncestryDNA. These companies offer genetic testing kits that include mtDNA analysis alongside other types of genetic testing.

Where might one have breast reconstruction surgery done after breast cancer?

After a breast cancer case in the case where one wants to have a breast reconstruction, one would have to first decide what kind of surgery one wants to have done. If one wants to use the own tissue or an implant for example. Places to reconstruct ones breast are places like Hopkins Medicine. Otherwise the local area is not a bad place to look first.

What do they call the removal of mammary gland?

The removal of a mammary gland is called a mastectomy. This is usually done as a treatment for breast cancer or as a preventative measure for individuals at high risk of developing breast cancer.