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Yes, oxygen is transferred to the blood via aveolae in the lungs.

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Q: How is gas exchanged between the lung and the blood?
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Which lung pumps blood?

Lungs do not pump blood. They are the site of gas exchange between capillaries and alveoli.

Which gas law explains why there is as much CO2 exchanged between the alveoli and blood as there is O2 exchanged despite the fact that the partial pressure difference is so much smaller for CO2?

Henry's Law explains that the amount of gas dissolved in a liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of that gas above the liquid. As CO2 is more soluble in blood than O2, even though the partial pressure difference is smaller for CO2, more CO2 can be exchanged between the alveoli and blood due to its higher solubility.

Which gas law explains why there is much carbon dioxide exchanged between alveoli as there is oxygen exchanged?


What is The process by which dissolved gases are exchanged between the cells and interstitial fluids is?

Internal Respiration."Internal respiration is the diffusion of gases between blood and interstitial fluid across the endothelial cells of capillary walls."Says my Anatomy Book.

What are the organs of the pulmonary system where gas exchange occurs?

Gasses are exchanged mostly through the cells

Where gases are exchanged in the systemic circuit?

In the systemic circuit gas is exchanged in the capillaries. Oxygen goes to the body tissue while the Carbon Dioxide produced from respiration is taken by the blood to go to the lungs and be breathed out.

What is pnuemothorax?

the presence of air or gas in the cavity between the lungs and the chest wall, causing collapse of the lung

Where in the human body is o2 and co2 exchanged?

Oxygen (O2) is exchanged for carbon dioxide (CO2) in the lungs. In the alveoli, tiny air sacs in the lungs, oxygen from the air is transferred into the bloodstream while carbon dioxide from the blood is released into the air to be exhaled.

Where does the exchange of gasses occur?

The exchange of gases occurs at the ends of the airways in the lungs. Here tiny sacs called alveoli connect with tiny blood vessels and here exhaust gas [carbon dioxide] is exchanged for fresh gas [oxygen].

Lung cancer affects which two body systems?

Lung cancer will effect the blood gas-exchange system, as damaged lung tissue, may cause difficulty in the exchange of gas from the air into the blood stream, and may cause cyanosis, deeper breathing, and even asphyxia (death, which is caused by insufficient amount of oxygen into the brain cells).

What is the site for gas exchange?

the organ that is involved in gas exchange is the lung. the specific lung structure that is the site for gas exchange is the alveolus which is part of the alveoli, which is found in the lung.

What type of gas couldn't you live without?

It must be oxygen, we can't live without it. For addition, oxygen is used for breathing, oxygen that has entered through our nose, will be send to throat and finally to our lung. Then our lung will perform a chemical process between our blood and oxygen, so our blood keep clean and can be transfered to all part of body.