

Best Answer
AnswerYes,Crypto/latin for hidden. coccal type of bacterium . mening/itis,means inflamation of the outerlining of the brain tissue, So cryptococcal transmitted by air,coughing,sneezing and talking into close proximity to another person,thus the airborne droplets fly thru the air and are inhaled by other people in the same general area. Severe headaches,sweating,and fever.Cover your nose and mouth when coughing,sneezing to prevent from infecting someone else And REPORT to your closest ER immiedietly. Waiting could cause permenent Brain Damage.

All the facts above are true although a stiff neck is also common. However, I had no symptoms before I woke up in the hospital from a coma approx. 5 days later. I now have permanent brain damage & can no longer work. Here is the most important thing you can do. Get the vaccine.

Adults can get bacterial meningitis. The vaccine is NOT A LIVE VIRUS. Please, take my advice, prevention IS the answer.

Best regards to all.


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Q: How is cryptococcal meningitis spread?
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Cryptococcal meningitis, caused by the fungus Cryptococcus neoformans, is a common opportunistic infection in AIDS patients. This fungus can cause severe meningitis characterized by headache, fever, and altered mental status. Early detection and treatment are crucial in managing this condition.

Where does meningitis come from?

Meningitis is spread by coming in contact with the saliva or mucus of someone who already has meningitis. Meningitis affects the membranes that enclose the spinal cord and brain.

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Can a sore throat infection spread to back muscles?

A throat infection can spread to the ears, nose, or even brain. However, it doesn't usually spread to the muscles unless a meningitis (brain layers infections) is present. Meningitis can cause stiffness of the muscles.

Who is exposed to meningitis?

anyone can get meningitis. its cells are carried in the air. smokers are at increased risk of meningitis. it can infect open wounds, or can be spread during surgery if anything unsterilized gets into your body's bloodstream.

How does Meningitus spread?

Meningitis is primarily spread through respiratory secretions like saliva or mucus, often through close contact with an infected individual. It can also be spread through direct contact with an infected person's respiratory secretions or by touching surfaces contaminated with the bacteria or viruses that cause meningitis.

Is meningitis contagious after antibiotic treatment?

Meningitis is contagious. It can be spread by coming into contact with an infected person's respiratory secretions. Small children who are not yet toilet trained and their caretakers may also spread the virus.Not everyone who is infected with meningitis will actually get the disease. Therefore, it is not always obvious when you are at risk for infection. When it comes to personal hygiene, common sense can help prevent the spread of viral meningitis. This may include:washing hands oftendisinfecting surfaces with chlorine bleach mixed with waterBecause viral menigitis is caused by the enterovirus, it is important to note that this virus is active in the summer and early fall. is a good site for meningitis information.

Can you get bacterial meningitis from a mosquito?

No, bacterial meningitis is not typically transmitted by mosquitoes. Bacterial meningitis is usually spread through respiratory and throat secretions, while mosquitoes are known to transmit diseases such as malaria, dengue, and West Nile virus.

Is meningitis contagious?

Yes, meningitis is a communicable disease, caused by viruse. It is caused by the enterovirus,. Note that the virus is active in the summer and early fall. People with meningitis should be in isolation and stay away from other people. Not everyone who is infected with meningitis will actually get the disease. Preventing the spread includes: disinfecting surfaces with chlorine bleach mixed with water and washing hands often.

How are most cases of meningitis acquired?

Meningitis can usually be contracted in several different ways. Some ways include: missing routine vaccinations or not getting vaccinations at all, live, work or learn in close quarters with others, get pregnant, or catch a cold.