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An antrectomy may be done to treat complications from ulcers that have not responded to medical treatment.

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Q: How is an antrectomy used to treat peptic ulcer disease?
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What does the medical abbreviation PUD mean?

Peptic Ulcer Disease

What is the purpose of ulcer surgery?

Ulcer surgery is used to relieve a present peptic ulcer disease and to prevent recurrence of it.

What is the treements for piptic ulcer and what is the disease and condition?

Treatment of peptic ulcers

What is the singular and plural of peptic ulcer?

Peptic ulcer is singular. Peptic ulcers is plural.

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What body system is affected by ulcer?

Peptic ulcers (also known as PUD, peptic ulcer disease) affects the digestive system, and the parts most commonly affected are the duodenum and the stomach.

A serious complication of peptic ulcer disease which is considered a medical emergency is?

If a gastric ulcer leads to perforation, it is a medical emergency.

What is the purpose of a pyloroplasty?

peptic ulcer disease (PUD).A pyloroplasty is performed to treat the complications of PUD or when medical treatment has not been able to control PUD in high-risk patients.

What does tagamet do with peptic ulcer disease?

Tagamet (cimetidine) is a H-2 blocker and is used to decrease the acidity of the stomach when treating peptic ulcers.

What disease is the administration of acetaminophen contraindicated?

Liver disorders.

Where in the body does peptic ulcer disease occur?

Peptic ulcer disease typically occurs in the stomach or the first part of the small intestine known as the duodenum. These ulcers are usually caused by the stomach acid eroding the lining of these digestive organs. Treatment involves medications to reduce stomach acid and promote healing of the ulcers.