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the doctor will clean and irrigate the wound thoroughly with saline. If it is not too large or deep, the doctor may simply pack the abscess wound with gauze for 24-48 hours to absorb the pus and discharge

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Q: How is an abscess treated once it is drained?
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How do you treat an abscess for marmoset?

An abscess on a marmoset should normally be treated by a veterinarian. It must be completely drained and cleaned. The animal will need antibiotics to keep the abscess from re-forming, and any pus or other fluid that fills it must be drained every day until it heals.

What is an absess?

An abscess is a localized collection of pus caused by a bacterial infection. It is typically painful, swollen, and filled with white blood cells, bacteria, and tissue debris. Abscesses often need to be drained and treated with antibiotics to prevent further complications.

Can an abscess tooth be treated with a combination of flagyl and penicilin?

sometimes...depends on the extent of the abscess

What is a large abscess in the sigmoid colon and how is it treated?

An abscess is an infected site with pus. It is treated with antibiotics. The sigmoid colon is the part where it curves around in an S shape.

I just got an abscess drained and then when another doctor looked at it he said it might be infected but I think it's only scar tissue since wouldn't an infection in the drained abscess hurt?

Abscesses are an accumulation of purulent debris (pus) and are usually the result of an infection. So, if the abscess has been drained and you have been on antibiotics to treat the underlying infection, usually that would treat and/or prevent further infection. However, once an abscess has been opened and drained, it is possible for that open wound to become infected, either with the original bacteria or with a new one. You may not have or notice pain in the area, especially if it has been lanced (opened to drain). So that is not accurate for determining if there is infection. If a doctor said it looked like it might be infected, then the chances are extremely high that it is. Scar tissue would not usually look like an infection, and would also not likely be very visible if you "just got an abscess drained." Trust the doctor in this kind of diagnosis.

Can i have an abcess if i don't have teeth just dentures?

yes. not a tooth abscess, but a gum abscess. These need to be treated with antibiotics.

Why does an abscess need to be drained?

An abscess needs to be drained to remove the pus buildup, which can be a collection of bacteria and dead tissue. If left untreated, the abscess can continue to grow, causing increased pain, inflammation, and potential spread of infection to surrounding tissues or even into the bloodstream. Draining the abscess helps to promote healing and prevent further complications.

Will Cipro help abscesses?

That depends on the cause, but normally an abscess benefits at least as much from being drained as from antibiotics.

Is it safe to be anaesthetised with an abscess?

While it is safe to be anaesthetised with an abscess, the anesthetic may not be as effective. The abscess changes the PH of the blood and causes the anesthetic to be less profound. It is always best to undergo a course of antibiotics prior to having the abscess treated.

Why do you get a dental abscess treated right away?

An abscess is an infection, there are bacteria growing in it, and if you allow them to continue to grow, the infection will get worse, and the danger to your health will get worse.

Will it hurt to get an abscess treated?

In modern medicine there is no need for anyone to be in pain during treatment.

How do you cure celulitus?

cellulitis is treated with antibiotics. If it progresses to an abscess it will require incision and drainage