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First you take a physical exam and a blood test that tests the level of hex-A, the protein this disease affects, in your body. If the first blood test comes out positive, there may be other additional genetic tests to see for sure whether or not you have Tay Sachs.


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A baby born with Tay-Sachs develops normally in the first 3 to 6 months of life. During the next months - or even years - the baby will progressively lose the ability to see, hear, and move. A red spot will develop in the back of the child's eyes. The child will stop smiling, crawling, turning over, and reaching out for things. By the age of 2, the child may have seizures and become completely disabled. Death usually occurs by the time the child is 5 years old.

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Q: How is Tay-Sachs disease detected?
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i wont u to answer me the answer of the main question for genetic reults

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