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Ringworm is spread from one person to the other when someone touches the affected person then touches themself or can also get caught if the affected person touches something and you go along and touch it after then you will get it can't be spread after 48hours. after treatment.

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15y ago

Well ringworm can be spread by direct or indirect contact. This simply means that someone may get ringworm by being in contact with a infected person or animal.

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It spreads easily and it is contageous. Don't touch the infected area and then another person or healthy skin.

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Q: How is Ringworm spread among humans?
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Can parakeets or any domestic bird spread the ringworm fungus to humans?

Yes. If your bird has it, take it to a vet IMMEDIATELY!!!!! You could get ringworm.

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it isn't spread, it develops from other causes

What causes ringworm in humans?

Ringworm in humans is caused by a type of fungus called dermatophytes. These fungi thrive in warm and moist environments, and can be spread through direct contact with an infected person or animal, or by sharing contaminated items like towels or clothing.

Can you pop ringworm?

no you just spread it

Can you get ringworm from eating flour?

Ringworm is a fungus spread by skin contact with an infected person, animal, or object. It is not spread by food.

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It is also spread by germs. But orignally this disease can be spread by the cells throughtout the body.

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some are flu , HIV , std

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Can cattle get ringworm from a cattle float?

No. In most cases, ringworm would be spread by direct contact with each other.

Can ringworm in humans be easily transmitted to others through direct contact"?

Yes, ringworm in humans can be easily transmitted to others through direct contact.

Can ringworm be washed off clothes?

Ringworm is a parasite and it will die without a host. It can spread from animals to man or from man to man.

Use borax to kill ringworms?

Borax is not an effective treatment for ringworm in humans or animals. It is best to consult with a healthcare provider for appropriate treatment options, which may include antifungal medications. It's important to follow medical advice to effectively treat ringworm and prevent its spread.