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The blue part of the flame is 1400 degrees Celsius, and the redder part of the flame is around 800 degrees Celsius.

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Q: How hot does a lighter burn?
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How do you burn a spliff?

with a lighter. with a lighter. with a flame

What happens when you burn gold with a lighter?

When you burn gold with a lighter, the gold will not melt or change its form. Gold is a highly unreactive metal and does not oxidize easily, so it does not burn or get damaged when exposed to a flame from a lighter.

Cannot find my dad's lighter fluid to make handheld fireballs are there any substitutes?

I do not believe so. The reason why you can only use lighter fluid is because it does not burn very hot. There may be a substitute, but I do not know of any.

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Can you burn Paper Towels?

yes u can burn paper towels you can use a lighter.

Does material get lighter or heavier when you burn it?

I think it would be lighter because all the moisture has gone from the substacne which would make it lighter.

What is the best thing to use to clear the scratches off your games?

i would turn on the water faucet on hot,get your disc and put it under the hot will burn off all of the lighter ones but enough for it to be used again. :D

What does boxers use to help them burn fat?

a lighter!

What part of the lighter is hot?

the flame

Cigarette liter for 98 Lexus 230 information?

If the lighter doesn't get red-hot, go to an auto parts store and buy a new one. They are cheap. The units burn out after a few years.

Why does Fire always burn Upright instead of Upside down?

Fire is a combust form of an inflammable gas. Since hot air or gas is lighter than the colder air in the surrounding, the gas rises above, making fire burn upright, and not upside down.