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Bubonic Plague was prevented, not cured. Having cleaner cities, cleaner and better medical practices, and staying away from rats greatly decreased bubonic plague. It was a long time ago, so I don't think we have to worrry.

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Can you prevent Bubonic Plague?

To be cured from the Bubonic Plague you can use antibiodics. In the previous bubonic plagues when it was a plague there was no cure.

How to cure Bubonic Plague?

To cure the Bubonic Plague, you must take antibiotics from a doctor that actually knows how to get rid of it.

Is there a cure for Bubonic Plague?

Modern medicine can effectively cure bubonic plague yes.

What was the cure for the Bubonic Plauge?

To be honest i don't think their is a cure. I know a solution was to incinerate the bodies to prevent farther spread. And staying away from people was usual.

Why is the bubonic plague still around today?

Yes, but you can cure it with antibiotics.

What kind of medicine was used to cure the bubonic plague?

Soap and water my husband wanted me to put for this

Did popping buboes cure the plague?

no but it helped

What did diseased rats cause in the middle ages?

Tthe bubonic plague - which killed a lot of people and that there was no cure for.

What was the cure in the black death?

There was only a cure available for the bubonic plague, (one of the plgaues of the two plagues of the black death), the main cure which in some cases worked was to pop the boils which were side affects of the plague and letting the puss out would somehow eliminate the plague from the body.

When was the black death first cured?

The Black Death was an outbreak of bubonic plague that lasted from about 1347 to 1352. The first cures of bubonic plague did not happen until effective antibiotics were developed in the 20th century.

Can you treat the black plague?

Several classes of antibiotics are effective in treating bubonic plague.These include aminoglycosides such as streptomycin and gentamicin, tetracyclines (especially doxycycline), and the fluoroquinolone ciprofloxacin.

How to cure the bubonic plague?

How is bubonic plague treated?It is very important to start treatment of this disease as soon as the symptoms are diagnosed and disease is confirmed.Once diagnosed for bubonic plague, doctor may chose treatment based upon the patient's medical history and severity of the disease. In ancient times when use of antibiotics was not known, the plague was cured by burning the buboes with blood-hot iron rod, which was a barbaric method but did save many lives.In modern times, use of antibiotics has taken place of burning the buboes. Antibiotics are used to fight bacteria and rest of the treatment is carried out based on the symptoms.Vaccines are also available and should be taken at least a weak in advance in case of sudden outbreak of plague or if the person is supposed to travel to the plague affected area.