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By applying the kneeded leaves or extract of the leaves on the affected areas. You'd need some amount of water in it's preparation.

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Can guava leaves cure for wounds?

An infusion made from the leaves of guava can really heal wounds. Aside from healing wounds guava can also help cure toothache, swollen gums, oral ulcers, and so much more.

Can guava leaves cure wounds?

There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that guava leaves can cure wounds. While some people believe in the wound-healing properties of guava leaves due to their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, it is important to seek medical advice and use proven wound care methods for proper treatment.

Guava leaves for experiment?

axperiment for guava leaves

What is scientific name of guava leaf?

The scientific name of guava leaf is Psidium guajava.

What are the difference of paper made of Banana Leaves and guava leaves?

No paper is made from banana or guava leaves.

Do guava leaves cure a cough?

let's see.i hv started using it today.will tell u after 4-5 days.

Is there any constituents of guava leaves that is good for skin?

* Guava leaves is good treatment for acne.

What is the common name of guava?

psidium guajava

Can guava leaves cure nausea?

I'm currently 3 months pregnant. I have not thrown up at all but I've had REALLY BAD nausea... constantly through out the day. My mom said that tea made from guava leaves would really help. I have to admit that I didnt believe her. She made me the tea (made out of guava leaves) and IT WORKED! I had it really cold with ice and it was so refreshing too! GOOD LUCK!

Can guava leaves be used as cockroach repellent?

Guava leaves and guava tree extract can be used as effective cockroach repellent. Roaches are initially attracted to the leaves but when they eat them, the leaves have a chemical inside them that can disrupt breeding cycles.

Is guava leaves classified as simple leaf?

Yes, guava leaves are classified as simple leaves. Simple leaves are made up of a single blade attached to the stem without any leaflets.

Benefits you can get from guava leaves tea in your body?

guava leas tea